My name is WheatDraws and I've been drafting and creating Dead by Daylight Chapter Concepts since 2020 and have steadily improved my craft to now, both in icon design and formatting. If you use any of these concepts anywhere or images related to them, please credit me and link back to here! You can also find my other work and contact info on my personal website here.To navigate concepts, click on any of the banners featuring a character or use the navigation bar above to browse all concepts within a category.


Some new formatting changes were made to the pages and aesthetic updates. There may be some errors, or missing elements, but if you're reading this, this update is still a work in progress and actively being updated.




All the concepts listed below are based on existing media, either from film, television, or video games. Does not include original chapter concepts.
Concepts are listed by newest to oldest of publication, from top to bottom, left to right.
Concepts listed will always have their core text elements added (Overview, Perks, Power and Add-ons if applicable), but some pages
may be missing finished or finalized icon artwork as many of the concepts have outdated art which takes longer to update and finalize, but understandably aren't necessary.



Concepts of my own creation and writing, featuring original characters and artwork of them.
Original Chapter Concepts are listed by newest to oldest of publication, from top to bottom, left to right.
Concepts listed will always have their core text elements added (Overview, Perks, and Power if applicable), but some pages
may be missing finished or finalized icon artwork as many of the concepts have outdated art which takes longer to update and create.

Examine the past, learn from the athletes of old, and uncover the origin of violence believed once integral to gladiator culture. With every turn of a page, history shifts, pulling away the mask to reveal a darker truth beneath the surface, an obsession and admiration that may push one to go too far.

How cruel a world must be, to harbor such violence to someone who only sought the pursuit of kindness and success, the happiness of family and friends. To hate them is to inflict suffering, in marks far deeper than flesh, in wounds more grievous than the mind can handle.

Coming in 2025.


These concepts were created alongside other creators and/or groups in the design or development process and have been posted here with permission.
Concepts are listed by newest to oldest of publication, from top to bottom, left to right.
Concepts listed will always have their core text elements added (Overview, Perks, and Power if applicable), but some pages
may be missing finished or finalized icon artwork as many of the concepts have outdated art which takes longer to update and create.


Additional lore entries written to expand a character's concept and role both within and outside of the Entity's Realm, focused into collections with a specific theme
and occasionally guest writers that are credited where appropriate.
Want to contribute as a writer? Consider applying here to be commissioned for lore / archive entries. Additional info can be found inside the application form.
This is a paid commission, so applicants will be taken seriously and chosen at my own discretion. Applications will be held onto and kept in mind when possible.

Entry 1: The Blood that Breaks the Chain

Entry 1: The Moment It Happens
Entry 2: Overdue


This section is dedicated to resources and guides on how to format and create your own Chapter Concepts, or improve upon them.
The resources below are not meant to show any "correct" way of making a concept, but to improve your creation and presentation!


Below is an early version of a PDF document written by me and my own process of designing and writing DBD Concepts. While it's not a set of definite rules, if you're interested in how I approach it or want to use my methods to improve your own, you can get it here!


Join the concept community on Discord where we share our ideas, our work in progress projects, and get feedback from others.


Here you can get access to all assets I use myself and templates to create my Dead by Daylight concepts, including text boxes, perks, and image assets.
Note: No guide has been made yet how to use these all effectively.











First Published: September 9th, 2024
Last Updated: September 9th, 2024




The darkness of the world surrounded Cahara. Now, more than ever, he missed the comfort of his lover, so far away. Here, he lost nearly everything.

The sound, that voice, that skin-crawling sound ripped into him as he rushed through the tight corridors of the dungeon. This was unlike anything he had seen yet, unlike anything he had heard. Grotesque, disturbed creatures stalked the halls, he found himself quickly making his way into the depths for the reward he needed for his new life.

Before him, a man with long hair, throat cut and bleeding down a bare chest, like wax off a burning candle with no fire left. In the realization of the event, his companions reacted emotionally, but his mind spiraled. Was everything lost? Did he miss his chance? His feet moved on his own, and now he found himself here. Reliving that moment of everything on repeat.




The last laugh he heard from her.

Cahara couldn't gather his focus before he realized the stonework he was familiar with and brushed against in his haste quickly turned to a rough, crunchy tree bark. His breath was shallow, face pale, cold and sickly as he took in his surroundings. It was dark, cold, and even with a night sky high above, he never felt more claustrophobic before.


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See here to learn more.




  • All references to Fear & Hunger, Cahara, Marina Domek, Gro-goroth, and usage of other such characters and names belong to Miro Haverinen.

  • Dead by Daylight - "Fear and Hunger" Chapter Chase and Menu Theme (Fan Made) was created by SavageD and used with permission. The thumbnail for the video (used in Bonus Content & The Old God portrait render) features artwork from Estacadoth, also used with permission.

  • Image renders used for Cahara and Marina's portraits are from Fear & Hunger and Fear & Hunger 2: Termina respectively.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Fear & Hunger franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Cahara was chosen as Survivor representation from Fear & Hunger due to the creator's own story of how "Cahara" was the default protagonist name in their own projects prior to Fear & Hunger as well as, in my opinion, being witness to one of the more important moments of the game's many endings, that being the birth of The God of Fear and Hunger.

  • Originally Enki was considered instead of Cahara, but ultimately was not included to keep Marina's own interaction and interest in the occult unique to herself without feeling too similar in their gimmicks.

  • Cahara's perk set was developed with the mindset of "freedom of mobility" where no place is off limits, and outpacing most others frequently.

First Published: September 9th, 2024
Last Updated: September 9th, 2024




Prehevil was hellish.

People with strange burns, violent individuals roaming the streets, bludgeoned flesh and mutated physiques, all because of Termina. She felt disturbed by the state of her home, by the state of Prehevil's nature beneath the trickster God's influence. A contestant herself, she felt some level of confliction about what was to happen, or if she'd even take part.

Luckily, she was prepared more than others to survive in such a concerning state of the world. Her talents and interest in occultism allowed her to recognize some of the signs, to use her abilities and spells to protect herself and others, though it didn't hurt to have more knowledge.

That's exactly what she thought when she came across a carving in the walls of an abandoned home, seeing strange limbs with knots in them, spiked and curled in odd patterns. She's never seen anything of this kind, many symbols of the Gods both new and old were not as... hostile looking. More simple. This was specific.

Hours pass.

Marina sat, dejected and frustrated with Daan while seated at a small corner of the bar they had recovered and settled into. While the others spoke and talked casually to return to some semblance of normalcy, she took the knife she had used in dire defense multiple times before, gently carving away into part of the bar where Daan couldn't see. He did, but he didn't pay her mind. It seemed to let her quietly work away at her mind.

The world around Marina blurred, but her focus was unmoving, unshaken, and resolute. She carved every recreation delicately into the top of the bar as the sound of sliding glass and small laughs from others across the bar felt more and more distant. It was like a trance. All it took was a numbed hand to finish, the final thin strip of wood carved away by the knife's sharpened edge to accidentally slip, causing her relaxed seat against the bar to slip briefly and knocking her back awake.

She staggered, as if feeling like she was falling from a great height suddenly, only to discover herself standing upright in the middle of nowhere. Grass, dark trees, and a clear sky.

No Rher. No nothing. She wasn't even in Prehevil, she should recognize the woods.

"H... hello?" She looked around, feeling an unknown gravity, different from the dreams and different from Prehevil. She knew she was somewhere, but knew nothing of this God she had invoked. Her fist tightened only to feel her own palm, realizing she was no longer holding the knife. Panic set in, and the sound of rustling leaves and the crunch of twigs she could hear only ten paces away, a figure staggering out from the treeline with a sickly expression she did not recognize.

"Did she go out to find that bottle she was looking for?" Daan said, expressing more concern than disgust.

"Hm? Marina?" O'ssa spoke up from his seat, looking to the bar then quickly to the exit he was seated by. "I didn't even see her leave."

Daan's eyebrows furrowed, concern drawing on his face as he looked to the abandoned knife on the bar, the unrecognizable symbol in the wood left behind. His stomach sank, and he could not explain why.


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See here to learn more.




  • All references to Fear & Hunger, Cahara, Marina Domek, Gro-goroth, and usage of other such characters and names belong to Miro Haverinen.

  • Dead by Daylight - "Fear and Hunger" Chapter Chase and Menu Theme (Fan Made) was created by SavageD and used with permission. The thumbnail for the video (used in Bonus Content & The Old God portrait render) features artwork from Estacadoth, also used with permission.

  • Image renders used for Cahara and Marina's portraits are from Fear & Hunger and Fear & Hunger 2: Termina respectively.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Fear & Hunger franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Marina Domek was always my pick for Fear & Hunger 2: Termina representation, both as the "box art" character and arguably the most popular character in the game on top of a notable use of in-canon occultism that had me fascinated by her.

  • Occult Ward is directly inspired by and based on the Anniversary Invite effects for Survivors.

  • Dark Destiny was originally a very early iteration of Kyle Reese's "Turn the Tide" perk, but I had scrapped that version for not fitting the idea I had in mind for "fighting back against the Entity" since it felt more like being in-tune with. Here though, it felt right at home for Marina.

  • Invocation: Group Engraving was a means of making an invocation with very minor benefits that not everyone will get, but would passively help survivability compared to the very impactful possibilities of Invocation: Weaving Spiders.

First Published: September 9th, 2024
Last updated: September 9th, 2024




The Old Gods are not personas, nor are they singular individuals. They are a sky that wraps around a world, a layer that is impossible to remove from reality completely.

Realities without these layers often are better off, or the layer is opaque enough to be understood as something else or perhaps have so little effect it's considered a miracle by some cases.

Gro-goroth, a comet of destruction, of power, grazed through the layers of these realities as his presence permeates throughout the world. All it took was for a wayward ritual circle symbol to consider an alternative, to bring a new layer into the fold. Upon contact, Gro-goroth's own presence briefly graced The Entity.

In the dark starless skies, a violent surge of red light, crimson and violent streaked through the veil. Just as soon as it arrived, it left, like two ships passing in the night, barely avoiding one another, the screams of grinding wood and steel replaced with those veils tearing into each other, conflicting and sparking in cosmic color. This was not without a result, however.

Gro-goroth left, leaving a rift in the sky, his presence snagged onto the dark abyss of space above the Entity's realm, dropping and falling to the earth like a meteor, a singular trace of the Old God itself, infantile and weak. Barely divine, only a forgotten injury left behind to grow on its own, a small shimmer of Gro-goroth left within the world of the Entity.

It grows quickly, developing, empowering itself steadily. Soon, this will be no trace, but an Old God in full form, beyond physical, beyond a force of nature and reality. It will encompass the world, another opaque layer, all started because of a cosmic coincidence.

Like many things, from the felling of a tree, to the implosion of a universe, and even the falling of an eyelash, it all comes down to great coincidence.




None ( yet . . . )Interested in writing archive entries for commission?
See here to learn more.

related concepts



  • All references to Fear & Hunger, Cahara, Marina Domek, Gro-goroth, and usage of other such characters and names belong to Miro Haverinen.

  • Dead by Daylight - "Fear and Hunger" Chapter Chase and Menu Theme (Fan Made) was created by SavageD and used with permission. The thumbnail for the video (used in Bonus Content & The Old God portrait render) features artwork from Estacadoth, also used with permission.

  • Image renders used for Cahara and Marina's portraits are from Fear & Hunger and Fear & Hunger 2: Termina respectively.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Fear & Hunger franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.

dev notes

  • Hex: Impending Demise was originally designed as a means of referencing the in-game timer that begins at the start of the game for a story event later in Fear & Hunger.

  • Cruel Siphon's original iteration gave you tokens for every meter you were from the point of injury, which was a sort of measurement tool for ranged attacks, which as neat as it was, made the wording and design of the perk clunky. Ultimately giving you a larger benefit for distance however stuck with the perk.

First Published: XXth, 2024
Last Updated: XXth, 2024






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dev notes

First Published: XXth, 2024
Last Updated: XXth, 2024










First Published: XXth, 2024
Last Updated: XXth, 2024







dev notes

An Original Dead by Daylight Chapter Concept
Designed by WheatDraws
First Published: September 13th, 2024
Last Updated: September 13th, 2024




Pietro knew struggle all his life, but being surrounded by love and family helped smooth it over. His grandparents and parents came to America from Camorra when political tensions started to brew, threatening their safety. America seemed like the best place to start, considering the many Italians like them who had arrived before them.

Despite them arriving in America for new opportunity, they still faced challenges of discrimination, the only homes they could afford was a poorly kept, cheap apartment. Faced with these challenges, the Bassi family stayed strong, and into the world came Pietro, a healthy baby boy and his younger brother several years later, Antonio.

Pietro found himself alone most days, but an unlikely friend by the name of Abe helped him with his bike when he took a bad slip on the way home from school one day. Abe had a similar relationship to the world that Pietro had, a place that looked down at him for not being white with no space to find kindness as someone interested in work. A world that saw people like them and assumed the worst of what they’d end up being. Pietro was glad to have someone to confide in and know that it wasn’t just him or his heritage that was a problem. If they were gonna be in a tough world, it was better to survive it together, back-to-back.

Even with this confidence, times didn’t get much easier for the young man. He couldn’t finish his third year of high school, his father took a bad fall while moving furniture, permanently hindering his ability to walk. Antonio had to be taken to school still, which Pietro made sure happened, but his mother was falling apart at the seams to make ends meet. At 19, Pietro finally got a lucky break, both him and Abe, his best friend.

Ronnie’s Auto, a small auto shop business just a few hours walk away from home, was hiring. Pietro was nervous about applying, both for himself and Abe, but Abe reassured him. He even said he could pass enough by introducing himself as ‘Pete’ or ‘Peter’.

Thankfully, the owner Ronald Martin was open to hearing the young men speak their mind. About ten, twenty minutes passed and the man stood up from his desk with a smile and outstretched hand to both.

The roar and cheers of the boys could be heard all across town as they celebrated, and so they returned home, ready to be working men and make the most of this opportunity.

A couple years have passed.

Pietro, going by Pete to many outside his family, worked full time now at the auto shop. He was underpaid, but he got to work with his best friend. That is, until one day, Pietro gets a call at home on an off-day from Abe’s father, who he then calls Ronald at the auto shop. Abe was missing, his own bike found on the road out of town. Pietro was shaken and fearful, but he knew Abe wouldn’t have left, or gotten himself taken without a fight. It weighed on his mind, more than the mountain of overdue bills for his household.

During family dinner, the Bassi house phone rings loudly, answered by Pietro. Keeping the debate down to a minimum, he talks with his mother about leaving, hushed whispers about taking late shifts for the needed pay, covering for Abe until he gets back. It’s a hard argument for Teresa to win, but Pietro lets her know he’ll be back home, just late is all. With a reassuring hug, kiss, and farewell to everyone, he left on his bike.

What remains is the summary of witness testimonies and the investigation of the murder and disappearance of Abraham J. Henry and Pietro T. Bassi presented at the trial of one Ronald F. Martin.

At approximately 10:16pm, Pietro Bassi arrived at Ronnie’s Auto. He brought his bike inside, as he always did, and tried looking for Ronald Martin. The lights were off, but the building was unlocked. An eyewitness on the street says through the windows they could make out some struggle, like someone was being restrained.

A surviving person of the incident had their account recorded nearly a week after their hospitalization.

This individual claims to be affiliated with Ronald Martin, and had personally put a bag over Pietro Bassi’s head before helping to bring him down into the basement storage of the building. Police have no recollection of knowing this underground space was on the premises prior to the incident. The anonymous witness says they had kept Abraham there and presented both, bound and gagged before a stone slab with various items on it of various materials. An unidentified object, approximately the size of a standing child was upright and center, a “carving of stone” according to the individual that Ronald Martin had chiseled out himself. It appeared to have an open mouth and eye sockets, like the upper half of a human body with various jagged points pointed outward from this object called “the maw” by the individual.

Abraham had been ritually cut, stabbed, and mutilated before this statue-like figure, and was identified by family. His recounting has not yet been able to be recorded. As he bled out, the individual helped to bring Pietro to the slab, and Ronald had spoken, said something that the witness could not recollect before cutting into his arms, tearing into his shirt, and then piercing into the middle of his palm. From here, the individual suffered a blow to the head from a flying object, and claims this “maw” had come alive and slaughtered all twenty-three other members of their “American Preservationist Club”, leaving the crime scene we know. Many bodies have been identified, though not all. The noise attracted residents who approached cautiously, seeing a wounded and staggering Ronald Martin, covered in blood and visibly shaken, muttering something about “Pete’s screams”. Since then, he’s been non-verbal and refuses to communicate.

As of now, we cannot determine the fate of Mr. Pietro T. Bassi, as no evidence was found aside from the torn shirt sleeve and his bike. The only suggestion that Pietro Bassi was still in that basement when Ronald Martin emerged was residents claiming “they could hear someone screaming, as if from miles away before it suddenly stopped”.

related concepts



  • The characters "Pietro Bassi" and "The Artefact" as well as their concept art were created by WheatDraws.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.

dev notes

  • Pietro Bassi started early as "Henry William", who was meant to be a much more charismatic, confident individual whose main appeal as a Survivor was the sudden and sharp downfall into madness from being shown "eldritch truths". Henry William was scrapped as an idea years ago, but later I reused the premise of a promising young man in the early 1900s America that came too close to some sort of supernatural power for Pietro Bassi.

  • One stand-out influence for Pietro's lore was the film Savageland, a horror mockumentary. While Savageland didn't inform the character concept, I found the idea and plot of the film something familiar to reach towards in terms of presentation.

  • Pietro's lore was inspired by the framing and set up of "true crime" documentaries, attempting to set up an empathetic character, charming qualities, and then deliver the horrible news that happened to them. No specific story was in mind, but the societal tensions of an early America and immigrants was something I wanted to explore in a horror lens. The idea of genuinely horrible, bigoted group can scar and harm someone who just was making their way through life for their own pursuit not winning or losing, but the fact that someone like Ronald Martin's verdict being untold or unclear along with the victim(s) horrifically scarred physically and mentally was something I felt, as fantastical as the powers were, resonates less on a visceral or visual aspect of horror, but the grounded reality of where many pieces of horror media attempts to commentate on.

An Original Dead by Daylight Chapter Concept
Designed by WheatDraws
First Published: September 13th, 2024
Last Updated: September 13th, 2024




Old legends and tales in hushed whispers speak of mortals who plot and scheme in secret. In their grasp, power, but in their sight they seek even more.

Washing up on a beach, a piece of whispering driftwood.

Dredged up from the catacombs, a slab of gnarled bone.

Pulled from an earthen pore, a piece of jagged stone.

Each of these collectors, those lured by the temptation of something strange and powerful, they all felt their work could better the world. And so, they congregate, they lure in those who like them have wants and desires.

To find a new world promised to them.

To save their life’s work from being forgotten.

To save their homeland from undesirables.

These groups worked tirelessly, not fanatics, but believers. They were empathetic in their way, but often cruel in disregard to those around them. It would be hard to argue they never had this within them, but it was this force that brought it out of them, like ethereal hooks cast out into the water, pulling at the soul ever closer.

He carved into the wood delicately.

She sawed into the bone brutishly.

He chipped into the stone delicately.

The artefact itself regenerated itself each time, sometimes in weeks, sometimes in years. It materialized where it could, when it could, and acted as a conflux of energy. Through this material, in whatever shape it took, the desire to shape it to the mortal eye’s appeal stuck. It turned human, but was anything but. This was a force of abnormal nature, invoking terror and paranoia. Both the exploitative and the exploited flocked to its presence, acting as if of their own accord, encouraged by the artefact.

The rites were always similar, but often left little to no remnant behind afterward. In their pleas, each of these gatherings found themselves offering the blood, flesh, and bone of an unwilling body. While the body was the first thing to be tainted, to be torn into ruthlessly, it was the soul that was consumed first. Siphoning it away, ensnaring a person’s spiritual essence into its material, conjoining and stitching it into hundreds upon thousands of others just like them in other pasts, other futures, and other worlds.

The rites did not end happily, nor were those promises fulfilled that mortals had filled their minds of. Crew, clubs, and societies alike that all participated had found themselves mercilessly killed, adding to the artefact’s power without a second thought. In the aftermath, the artefact would find itself cast elsewhere by some means unexplained, regrowing, sometimes changing into a different material, awaiting a new set of hands to carve it and a new set of eyes to envision something within it.

However, one day, the artefact no longer appeared elsewhere. It appeared somewhere, one place, in fact. In its attempt to siphon and consume the soul of a sacrifice, the artefact was taken elsewhere, already carved out from its stone flesh by men desperate and prideful alike. Here, the souls were fragmented, something had interrupted the process, and so the artefact took life. The erupting and pained spirits within wailed in agony, crying out their dying thoughts of home, fire, blood, mercy, and revelry alike.

The Entity’s realm would provide no new trial, but the artefact would get its tribute. It was in its nature to receive.






  • The characters "Pietro Bassi" and "The Artefact" as well as their concept art were created by WheatDraws.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Originally this chapter concept started out as a remake of a very old Pirate Killer concept, but as I developed the written lore I found the aspect of a cursed object or artefact far more fascinating as a horror archetype, and so I pursued it. I pulled from influences of hyper-obsession over an item / object, occultism, and the Jumanji board from the original Jumanji film.

  • There is no "true form" of the Artefact, as it in every iteration has been made of different materials. The default appearance is of a red-barked tree with several branches also sharpened to points.

First Published: September 3rd, 2024
Last updated: September 3rd, 2024




Madison's heart pumped in her chest, threatening to break out as blood rushed through her. She stumbled and tripped through the winding roots set deep into the earth from the trees, struggling to stay upright as a pounding in her skull reverberated. She steadied herself on the bark of a winding tree, feeling the texture of it melt between her fingers.

"No... No, no, no! Gabriel!" Madison whimpered and whined, fingers clutching the top of her head as a stinging pain surged through her.

"You're doing nothing. You've accomplished NOTHING." Growled the voice, warbled and hissing in her mind as she tried to push herself up and off from the tree, her hand now finding itself melted into the tree, blurred and smeared like paint in reality. Everything was misplaced, misremembered... It was like walking through a dream in a place she had been thousands of times, but everything was moved a half-inch in a direction and in its space, it was smeared in every other direction it should be.

"You've gotten us stuck here," He hissed again. "You can't find a way out even for yourself."

Madison screamed, as if bound by the tree now, the world around her melting with a trickle of crimson blood down the back of her neck as limbs grew stiff, unable to move now aside from her head or eyes. She could only see the gnarled, twisted woods, but with Gabriel growing louder, more painful, she could feel something else.

Something wasn't emerging from her, something was reaching in and pulling him out.

"I'll get us out. You can count on me, Emily." Gabriel snarled, the sound of audible bones cracking and popping overwhelming the screams. Through the blur of sensations, the lockout she had felt once before, she could hear the distant callouts of the allies she had made since her arrival to this strange place. They were looking for her.

"Gabriel... please..." She trembled, her voice barely leaving her as she could feel somewhere, distantly, her limbs twisting and skull splitting open all while bound in the molten roots of the tree. She was imprisoned, after so long of keeping Gabriel away, and now was a bystander to the sight of him finding his way up into the tree as her three friends wandered in, unable to see her planted into the base of the tree.

It was too late. Gabriel had taken control, and with a low laugh, he released the repressed strength without remorse. Gabriel's method of escaping would be through blood and fury, starting with those Emily had trusted.

Maybe she would learn something, maybe she'd realize how much farther he would go, how much harder he would work than her to rip out the lung of the journalist and pull out the weed that is the jugular of that brash brawler. This is how he would find his freedom. This is how he would free himself, and use Emily's broken body to release him from this endless forest.




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See here to learn more.




  • All references to Gabriel May, Madison Mitchell, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Malignant canon.

  • Image renders of Gabriel ("The Parasite") are from Malignant (2021) with edits applied to them.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Part of the visual aspect of the power design is inspired and influenced by the rail sections in BioShock Infinite, including the targeting of the landing spot or where to attached to the rail.

Designed in collaboration with Pixel BushFirst Published: September 3rd, 2024
Last updated: September 3rd, 2024




Written by Pixel Bush

“Skin of metal and a body that will never age or die.”

That was John Lumic’s aspiration when he created the first Cybermen: a dying man's desperate play for immortality and a promise for his vision of humanity’s future. Lumic's first Cybermen set out to case the world's population in unflinching steel but were held back by the human resistance spearheaded by the Preachers. In the ruins of the Cyber-factories, they worked tirelessly on dimensional shunt technology until an opening was found and a scouting force of Cybermen forced their way into a parallel universe. But as Daleks clashed with Cybermen in London's streets they were thwarted once again by the Doctor and Dalek and Cybermen alike were hurled into the darkness of the void between universes.

Except one.

Cyber-Unit 456 awoke. Critical damage to most secondary systems. As its ocular sensors rebooted it could see a junkyard, piled high like skyscrapers with shattered cars and machinery it did not recognise. It had been dumped at a campfire and around it huddled a small group of humans picking at meat scorched on sticks. 456 reached out into the network, requesting support from any nearby Cyber-Units, but no response. Not just silence, but a total absence, like they never even existed in the first place.

So 456 waited, self-repair modules gradually piecing it back together as it watched the group. They barely spoke to each other and when they did it was only in mutters, like they thought something might have been listening. Eventually 456’s self diagnostics came back positive and the battle-scarred Cyberman staggered to its feet. The group jumped to their feet, but its wrist blaster dangled uselessly at its side. Croaking and sparking, 456’s first words to the group were not a threat, but an offer.

Early conversions were unexpectedly simple. The first few were willing, eager even, for the strength conversion provided. 456’s profiling algorithms were baffled: these subjects appeared to be heavily emotionally suppressed already, as if something had scraped their souls out without any physiological damage. To the newly appointed CyberLeader One, this only made things easier, and the few who did not willingly walk into the ramshackle conversion machine built in the junkyard were forced through by the inviolate steel bodies of their former friends and family.

Of course, these designs were imperfect, scrapped together from whatever this blasted wasteland could offer. But the fresh converts reported that they'd passed through an abandoned steel foundry a few months ago, and thus the Cybermen began their pilgrimage. Any encampments or settlements found along their route were dragged along with the caravan, living prisoners hauling any workable metal they could find and those too damaged to work rendered down into a barely edible slurry to keep their former comrades on their feet.

When they settled at the foundry, CyberLeader One set out the schematics for Lumic’s vision and in a matter of weeks it had become a full Cyber factory; a charnel house of roaring furnaces and cutting blades that would convert victims by the dozens and forge for them new bodies of true and perfect steel. As it looked out upon the armies at its command from the factory's high gantries, CyberLeader One felt a twinge of what could almost have been pride. The world beyond the forges defied reason, landscapes of savage beasts and impossible architecture, but the Cybermen would bring reason, logic and unity to this dominion of madness. The Void, as those first survivors called it, would fall to the Cybermen.

The darkness fell so quickly. A hand on its back. Fog gushing from all directions, pouring into vents and gaps in CyberLeader One’s armour. It was blind and deaf and falling, falling so far into oblivion.

And with a crash it hit the ground… but the ground was different. Not the concrete and tread plate of the Cyber factory, but wet grass. This wasn't the Void, there was far too much… life here. How profane.

The fog was still here, retreating into a dark cloud behind One, and as it turned to face the coalescing cloud a rhythmic metal lockstep echoed from the inky blackness. One recognised what it was looking at. Something One hadn't seen in a very long time, a presence One hadn't felt since washing up in this realm. The only feeling that ever mattered.





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  • All references to Doctor Who, Adric, Martha Jones, Cybermen, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their rightful owners.

  • The Cyberman portrait image render is an edited promotional still from Doctor Who.

  • Martha Jones portrait image render is an edited promotional still from Doctor Who.

  • Adric portrait artwork is an edited piece by Billy Christian.

  • Lore for Martha Jones, Adric, and The Cyberman were all written by Pixel Bush for this concept, who also helped to advise on the concept overall, add-ons, and character choices.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


Designed in collaboration with Pixel BushFirst Published: September 3rd, 2024
Last updated: September 5th, 2024




Written by Pixel Bush

Adric grew up on Alzarius, a world squirrelled away in a universe very different from our own. Growing up on Alzarius was challenging: every facet of life was managed by the ruling Deciders, their word unquestioned as law. Adric considered running away several times but the planet itself was no better: many colonists had tried to run before, only to meet grisly fates at the hands of the Marshmen and Marshspiders that lurked in Alzarius' swamps. During his youth on the wrecked spaceship he called home, Adric always felt like the smartest kid in the room. The rest of the world always went so slowly, and while the other children stumbled with basic arithmetic, Adric's brain would grasp any problem in front of him and solve it near-instantly. His prodigious skills were soon noticed by his teachers and his mathematical excellence became a particular point of pride, but Adric still felt there was so much more he could do, so much potential that Alzarius would never let him fulfil.

Until one day, Adric found a mysterious blue box in the forest. This box, the TARDIS, was a time and space machine that wrapped its vast interior space inside a simple wooden shell. Its pilot, who introduced himself to the Deciders not long after his arrival, was a strange man with a long scarf who called himself The Doctor. The Doctor shook things up on Alzarius, with an intelligence exceeding even Adric’s own and a taste for adventure that proved infectious. When the Doctor repaired the Starliner and allowed the Alzarians to escape the planet, Adric acted on his newfound adventurous impulse and stowed away on the TARDIS instead of joining his people, a decision that would prove fateful.

Travelling with the Doctor and his friend Romana as they escaped back into their own universe, Adric was shown the wonders and dangers of the cosmos as a passenger of the TARDIS. He even bore witness to the regeneration of the great old Time Lord after his fall at the hands of his archenemy, the Master. But the longer he stayed with the Doctor and his new companions, the more Adric felt ridden by a crawling feeling he wasn't used to back home: inadequacy. He was always a smart boy, on Alzarius that was what defined him, but standing next to the Doctor Adric had never felt more useless. Here was a man with the wisdom of ages and the knowledge of centuries of exploration in time and space and there was Adric… just a boy with a big mouth, in over his head.

Every time the Doctor shoved him aside, every time Nyssa and Tegan pushed back against him, every time his suggestions were ignored and his plans derailed, Adric felt more and more dejected. The TARDIS was not where he belonged, and he demanded the Doctor to return him back to his people. But before he could ever make it back, a plot by the Cybermen to wipe out Earth's population saw Adric on board a spaceship tracked to crash into the planet with a cataclysmic explosion. The Doctor and Tegan were captured as hostages of the Cybermen, but not before Adric could pass him his Badge of Mathematical Excellence. The gold of the badge allowed the Doctor to fight back against the Cybermen but not before the TARDIS controls were damaged, trapping Adric on the freighter alone.

Adric worked fast, attempting to halt or reprogram the out of control spacecraft, but despite shunting it back to the Cretaceous period and slowing its vector, the ship was still doomed to crash… with Adric still on board. With the Doctor and Tegan helpless to aid him, Adric was engulfed in a fireball as the freighter hit Earth, his last thoughts being an aching certainty that he had failed in his final task.

And then he woke up.

Spluttering face-down in a puddle, Adric rolled onto his back. A dark forest canopy loomed over him and his head pounded as his eyes adjusted to the gloom. Memories started to bubble back to the surface as he staggered to hit feet: a deafening scream that penetrated the freighter’s control room, a thick dark fog pouring out of the vents and choking Adric as the ship hurtled to earth. Fighting back against the blackness, struggling with the controls of the freighter, calling desperately for the Doctor… then nothing. Waking up here was all he remembered after that. Wherever “here” was.

Adric shivered, his clothes plastered in freezing muck. If the crash landed him here, the freighter wreck should be here, or at least nearby. He craned his neck, looking into the little of the sky he could see through the forest canopy. No smoke trails, no destroyed trees. Wherever he was, and Adric was fairly sure it wasn’t Earth at this point, someone must have brought him here. Adric gazed into the sky; maybe he could see something he recognised in the night sky that could tell him where he was. A planet, a star, any clue as to the world he had wound up on. Maybe the Doctor could still come and save him… if he even wanted to.

He froze.

The skies were clear, but there were no stars.

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  • All references to Doctor Who, Adric, Martha Jones, Cybermen, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their rightful owners.

  • The Cyberman portrait image render is an edited promotional still from Doctor Who.

  • Martha Jones portrait image render is an edited promotional still from Doctor Who.

  • Adric portrait artwork is an edited piece by Billy Christian.

  • Lore for Martha Jones, Adric, and The Cyberman were all written by Pixel Bush for this concept, who also helped to advise on the concept overall, add-ons, and character choices.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


Designed in collaboration with Pixel BushFirst Published: September 3rd, 2024
Last updated: September 3rd, 2024




Written by Pixel Bush

In the summer of 2007, Martha Jones was an ordinary medical student, doing her best with a hairy family life and a placement under an overbearing consultant at London’s Royal Hope Hospital. Until one day, she ended up on the moon. The rain fell upwards and the Royal Hope was torn from the Earth, and before she knew it armoured creatures with rhinoceros heads were rampaging through the hospital searching for an alien criminal, the Plasmavore, disguised as an anonymous patient. But that was the day she met the Doctor, a time-travelling alien who almost gave his life to see the Plasmavore destroyed, and the two became fast friends. The Doctor showed her the universe in his time machine, the TARDIS, but despite the thrills and wonder of all of time and space at their fingertips, Martha had reached breaking point. For a whole year, the interference of the Doctor’s old nemesis the Master saw her wandering the world as a fugitive, her family cast into slavery and the Doctor rendered helpless to stop him. And while her efforts saw the Master defeated and time set back the way it should have been, Martha could never see the Doctor the same way again, could never go back to life in the TARDIS, and when it came time for the Doctor to leave again she chose to stay behind. Her family, and the Earth, needed her far more than the Doctor did.

Martha’s departure from the TARDIS saw the start of her career as a sought-after specialist in alien life and biology; she spent a short time working for the Torchwood team in Cardiff under her fellow former companion Jack Harkness before the Unified Intelligence Task Force snapped her up under the Doctor’s recommendation. But when the Daleks abducted the Earth as part of their plan to power the Reality Bomb and wipe out the multiverse itself, Martha was forced to use the Osterhagen Key and threaten the planet’s destruction to prevent their plan.

While the Dalek threat was eventually beaten, the weight of Martha’s choice that UNIT had placed on her shoulders, to destroy the Earth to prevent the Daleks’ master plan, didn’t sit well with her, and when the opportunity presented itself she faked her death with the help of Torchwood’s Gwen Cooper and ran away with Mickey Smith, another former companion of the Doctor’s. UNIT couldn’t control her any more, and she could enjoy her new life as a freelance alien hunter. Mickey and Martha used marriage as a cover story, with Martha posing as the mother of Mickey’s child August to evade UNIT detection, but the longer she spent with Mickey the more Martha doubted that she’d made the right choice.

It was a rainy night when she arrived at UNIT’s London HQ, and despite some friction from her former commanding officer Colonel Mace, a hearing was arranged with UNIT’s top brass to see her reinstated as a senior officer. Martha and the Colonel toasted the future, raising their glasses to the ghosts of the past and hoping to draw a line under the horrors that had happened since the Osterhagen Key. Finally, after all this time bouncing from alien threat to alien threat, Martha felt like she was back on the right track. Maybe it’d be right to call the Doctor, let him know what was going on and just have a chat. Does he do chats? Maybe, but she’s changed so much in just a few years. Now might be the time to test if he has too.

Martha rushed into the night through the rain to get to her mum’s car. Francine wouldn’t miss it for one evening. She hopped into the car with her breath visible on the inside windscreen, but it wouldn’t start. She turned the key in the ignition, over and over again, but the familiar rumble of her mum’s old Rover was just a meek cough. She got out of the car, maybe Mace could give her a lift, but as she stepped out she realised she could barely see in front of her. No street lamps, no light from the window of Mace’s office… nothing at all. She reached out into the night and the air wasn’t just cold, it was icy, billowing in front of her. A pitch black fog.

It wrapped itself around Martha and pulled her down into the concrete of the car park. She didn’t even have time to scream.

Martha woke up on a mouldering mattress, her head pounding. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light of gas-lamps. The air reeked of blood and offal. She staggered to her feet, almost tripped, and found herself leaning on an old generator; the kind of thing survivalists might keep in the wilderness.

She was in a hospital, but not the kind she was used to. The beds had leather straps and soiled sheets, the black and white tiled floors were smashed and stained with gore, and the air hung heavy with woodsmoke and mold. This was an asylum: maybe late 19th century? That can't be it though: she'd been then before and it definitely wasn't the same. It felt wrong. And besides, this generator wouldn't be invented for another 60 years at least.

Maybe she'd time travelled! Well, of course. What else could it be? Martha smiled: here's when it pays to have the last of the Time Lords on speed dial.

She pulled out a scratched and ancient flip phone, the same phone she'd been carrying for almost twenty years. Universal roaming. No matter where she was, when she was, she’d be able to reach the Doctor with this. That’s what he’d told her. She'd called her mum from the edge of an exploding sun, chatted with her brother Leo when she was marooned in the 1980s, and had woken up to a chain of texts from Trish in a dirty inn in Shakespearean London. Anywhere in the universe, she knew she could always call the Doctor.

She punched the number in.

No signal.

This was going to be harder than she thought.

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  • All references to Doctor Who, Adric, Martha Jones, Cybermen, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their rightful owners.

  • The Cyberman portrait image render is an edited promotional still from Doctor Who.

  • Martha Jones portrait image render is an edited promotional still from Doctor Who.

  • Adric portrait artwork is an edited piece by Billy Christian.

  • Lore for Martha Jones, Adric, and The Cyberman were all written by Pixel Bush for this concept, who also helped to advise on the concept overall, add-ons, and character choices.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.

dev notes

First Published: August 15th, 2024
Last Updated: August 15th, 2024




Elster moved forward, deliberate and determined as ever. She felt the blood pour from her hairline, down over an eye and cheek, just reaching her chin in a smear from an earlier attempt to stop the drip of the crimson.

The Replika felt the weight of the world on her, the memories of all that was before flooding into her. Replika minds were not meant to know such things, but she could not imagine a life without it. Elster's rising memory and instinctive habit kicked in, holding her breath as she pulled the release on the door, walking into the dark, cool chamber of the cryopod.

She had been here before, not by accident each time, but this felt odd. Off, even. Elster looked forward at the low-buzzing cryopod, the dim light displaying the dying power supply of the Penrose dramatically as it caused the blood red liquid within the cryopod to glisten brilliantly. Inside, Ariane was nowhere to be found.

Elster hesitated to take a step, but she did so anyway. The click of metal on metal, the thump of dead steel beneath guilt-ridden footfalls as Elster approached the side of the cryopod itself, scanning and expecting to witness something, but finding nothing.

She did her best to understand it, like she was missing something, there was a solution to be found here, daring to not entertain what Adler had said, but having to eventually consider it as she fell to her knees, clutching the side of the open cryopod desperately.

Perhaps everything was too broken to be understood, to be seen. Not that she was too late, but she was never going to be in time. The dread passed through her, infinitely, a sickly feeling in her stomach as she stared into the crimson liquid, watching it gently ripple before slowly draining itself unceremoniously. Gallons of it, all blood from the consistency, washed away, staining the pod's interior, but leaving behind a keycard. This was familiar, but so long ago did she have something like this happen.

Elster picked up the keycard, unfamiliar with its design or wording aside from "Krähe" in large font, the typeface appearing somewhat out of uniform, slightly scratch-like at the tips and ends of letters. Elster stood up, holding the blood-dripping key in hand with no idea what to make of it.

Unaware of the cycle that had been disrupted, Elster felt a pain in her upper arm, the trauma rising again as the shape of the air around her shifted like a great wave of energy.

The cryopod ripped itself apart, melting, dissolving into a misremembered vision. Elster reached for her shotgun, finding nothing, not even the flashlight module on her shoulder as the flickering light gave way.

Moments passed in bleak blackness before the sound of metal being wretched open, the doors of the cryopod chamber ripping open. Standing, floating above the steel ground, blades of grass poking up through, dead and bleeding into an unfamiliar world outside of a dark sky and glimmering moon that was framed by the golden yellow halos of Commander Falke herself. The face covered in veins of flesh, growths of muscle and flesh, teeth twisted into fangs. The sound of her spears could be heard as they grazed against each other, spreading out like wings as the Commander looked upon Elster in her disoriented state.

Elster took a step back, the sounds of a disruptive radio playing over her mind as she regained focus. Something changed. Falke changed.

While her mind raced, Elster never demoted her ultimate goal, even when found in this alien world far from any empire, warzone, or mining facility:

Find Ariane, and fulfil their promise.

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  • SIGNALIS was created and is owned by rose-engine.

  • The Commander / Falke and LSTR-512 / Elster portrait renders by Rarithlynx, based on and using models created by HyeonHyunHyoon.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Danger Sense was originally named "Evasion"

  • Oathbound's first passive effect is based on an item add-on for the Key item. IYKYK.

  • Oathbound specifically was designed as a "Get Down, Mr. President" type of design and a relentless desire to save / protect a specific person.

First Published: August 15th, 2024
Last Updated: August 15th, 2024




Commander Falke felt a release of pressure inside her mind, as if a third eye opened and unsealed something terrible inside her.

Admist this euphoria, she remained kneeling, finding herself only a few meters away from the white-haired woman. Not close enough to see the face clearly, but the redness of the eyes were clear enough.

No words needed to be shared, an almost impossibly long reach from the figure caressed Falke's right cheek, pushing aside the dark hanging hair from the face. Falke could not help but weep in this moment, even as the white-haired figure drew closer, her hands stained black, eyes a piercing blood red. She looked less kind here, but knowing she was within reach kept her endeared.

The woman spoke without moving her mouth, her features imperfect as Falke could ignore the sensation of rot creeping over her fingertips and spreading from the center of her forehead.

"It could be us, again."

Falke felt all those memories, all those visions of them together, the sounds and the songs... but this voice was different. She was desperate for the peace offered, yet confused.

"It could just be us."

Falke opened her eyes to the shock and pain, the suffering of veins and flesh warping around her body, bleeding on the outside and trembling as she collapsed to the ground. Her hand clasped her forehead, the pain sticking in her mind as Falke found herself returned to that painful form, twisted and cruel in shape. As her senses returned, the Commander looked up, finding the white-haired woman nowhere near her anymore.

Her mind could not find her, nor could it escape the promise she was offered. Her last option for peace, to be with the woman.

Falke thought to it again. It could just be us. It could just be us.

Rising to her feet, then above the ground, golden spears of light hovering around her like an angel of rot and disease. Reality shifted around her, forming into cold metal and steel, the foggy visions of the vessel from her dreams and memories taking shape. The other was beyond the door, interfering like static to the promise.

"It will just be us."



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  • SIGNALIS was created and is owned by rose-engine.

  • The Commander / Falke and LSTR-512 / Elster portrait renders by Rarithlynx, based on and using models created by HyeonHyunHyoon.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


First Published: November 26th, 2020
Last updated: August 6th, 2024




Debby sipped loudly on the dark red straw of her fountain drink, working the convenience store on the corner of King and River. Five o'clock on a Wednesday meant two things:

Johnny, the local hiker, would be passing through to get some snacks and flirt before heading up the canyon. She didn't mind, she liked Johnny.

The other thing? Having to awkwardly tell Ron to leave, again. He was nice, she slipped him treats where the cameras didn't see it, but she had to keep this job in the pocket. She already saw him walk around the side of the building about ten minutes ago, so she just waited for her break.

The young woman took another loud, long drink of her soda just as the fan blew air into her hair and face, reminding herself of the unbearable heat. She eyed the counter, seeing some chips and gummies that no one ever bought, nothing that anyone would really miss. She plucked them up in between her fingers, did a quick check through the store for anyone hiding in the shadows, but not anymore than her hourly wage made it feel like it was worth to check.

Through the office and out the back, Debby cracked open the heavy door to the sun-setting backlot, looking around and seeing her car parked up against the derelict corpse of a van near the fence. Near that, a couple dumpsters and the powerlines that cross all over the road and town, keeping Debby's mind firmly in place she's still within reach of her hometown. Peeking around the wall, she spotted Johnny looking around, his dumb, goofy smile betraying the moment of confusion he was going through as he jogged over towards the cracked open backdoor.

"Hey!" Johnny laughed, coming to a stop with a hop in his step.

"Hi." She just smiled. "Figured you would've stepped in, what are you doing back here?" Debby propped herself up against the doorframe as Johnny did the same to the wall, clutching a bottle of water in one hand loosely.

"Well, I was gonna come up, but I figured Ron was out here, so I was gonna--" He tapped the plastic to his palm, the crunch of the material as the water sloshed around inside. "--give him something to drink. Y'know, just because of the--"

"Heat." Both of them said at the same time, Debby nodding as she glanced around again, eyes fixed to the abandoned van. "Well, he was here. I didn't say hi to him yet, but maybe he just went to grab something..." She looked at the inside of the van, feeling something off. The orange sun-burnt sky felt strange, shadows unmoving, but the heat remained still. Something about... the clouds changed? She couldn't tell, her eyes kept going up for some reason.

"Anyway," Johnny broke the silence as he looked around himself, far less concerned. "I did see he set his pack and stuff down over there, so I might just... drop this off if that's alright with you?" Johnny did that small movement backwards, walking towards the van with a smirk. "Afterwards, I can head in and get my stuff. Can't stick around too long, so hoping you'll let Ron know I was around."

"Yeah, of course!" Debbie smiled, starting to close the door. "Come back in and I'll ring you up for your usual."

"Sounds great, I'll be in in a sec." Johnny waved a hand, watching her as she closed the door, giving a sigh before flipping the plastic bottle in his hand and making his way to the van. Inside, overgrown weeds and plants breaking up through years-old asphalt, reclaiming the vehicle that has been long-since stripped for parts. Tucked carefully beside old Ron's pack, Johnny placed the bottle of water and stuffed a couple dollar bills in under the paper label. "Take care of yourself Ronnie." Johnny patted the swollen backpack in the backseat as he left the metal shell, stretching in the approaching dusk, looking around as he rolled his shoulders.

He hesitated, just briefly, looking down and seeing a still lit cigarette glowing dimly beside the slashed and deflated van tire, the familiar sight of those cheap smokes Ron always had on him. Johnny looked up and around, no sign of anyone. Miles of telephone poles down and up the road, his own car out front of the store, but no Ron. A wave of concern filled him, as if trying to place some piece of Ron here like a missing puzzle piece, but his mind couldn't shake the idea that he was missing something.

Johnny sighed, rubbing the sweat from his forehead while passing beneath the shadow of the fence and telephone poles, slowly making his way back around the building, checking back at least once for his friend. He used to be around here a lot as a kid, seeing even just the backlot deteriorated like that and older folks like Ron without a place to stay cool made him upset, but he did what he could to help. Just before he turned the corner, Johnny looked back again, seeing the sun quickly begin to set, shadows growing larger, longer, and more oppressive over the backlot before the bell of the store clattered with his entry.




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  • Siren Head was created and is owned by Trevor Henderson. Icon artwork was created by myself, WheatDraws.

  • This concept uses and references the work of Trevor Henderson with permission and his blessing.

  • Siren Head portrait artwork by Trevor Henderson.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.



First Published: [PLACEHOLDER]
Last updated: [PLACEHOLDER]

A Dead by Daylight Chapter Concept
Designed by WheatDraws in collaboration with the Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team


An Original Dead by Daylight Chapter Concept
Designed by WheatDraws
First Published: June 7th, 2024
Last updated: June 7th, 2024




Cecilia was born to a well-off family, wanting for little materially, but desiring so much more beyond what her life had offered her. Her family had expectations far taller than she felt she could ever reach, like a looming shadow that never let her bask in the comfort of the sun.

As a young woman in the Roman Empire, she distracted herself from that dreadful reality with her older brother, Marcus, who was a talented and aspiring gladiator. She thought the world of him, and admired the work he put into achieving such a role. She was his greatest fan, and he adored her, the only member of the family that entertained her hopes of living a life that wasn't meant to just be married off and have children. Just as she thought greatly of him, he thought she had that same greatness.

Despite the changing culture and world around her in Rome, including the decline in audiences for athletic shows like gladiator games, Cecilia believed if anyone could change the tide to bringing people back into the games, it was Marcus. She attended each event she could, even watching him train day after day. While she was more fascinated with the raw combat, she admired how much of a performance it was, complete with theatrics and all, even if she preferred the idea of seeing people actually fight.

When she was nearly a grown woman, her brother was struck by a blow that did far more damage than intended, leaving him disabled in his bed, requiring Cecilia to tend to him and his sudden physical distress and disability. This change was like a curse upon the family, leaving Cecilia at home, tending to her ailing brother who at the same time was also plagued with illness. There were few nights where Cecilia didn't cry herself to sleep, hoping she would not disturb the rest her brother needed to heal.

She refused to let this be her brother’s end or the only hope this family had, to be forgotten in some husk by the world, to let his hard work and talent go unremembered as the games became more and more scarce within the cultural consciousness of a changing Rome. With the last favors Cecilia could muster using her family's name, she enlisted herself as a gladiator without formal training, using her own knowledge of the sport and technique she gained from her brother's demonstrations before his injury despite the reaction from her remaining family. She was threatened to be outcast, but in a twisted fortune, they succumbed to their own illnesses, leaving no barrier to Cecilia's ambitions and hopes to bring money into the family. Before, she might have been cast as a gladiatrix, but with a limited roster, promoters would need to work with what they had. Even if they had people pouring out in waves to sign up, Cecilia had no intention of being anything other than like her brother: A true gladiator.

Cecilia was berated and abused by the family that denied her this pursuit, but in a twist of cruel fortune, they eventually succumbed to an illness, leaving their family home to just Cecilia and Marcus. However, this also plagued Marcus, worsening his condition. Driven and with no choice left, Cecilia had to provide for her brother, determined to find the money and the time to save him from a terrible death. She could not imagine a life where the only person she cared for and that had cared for her would be away from her.

Quickly Cecilia had made a name for herself, not just as the younger sibling to Marcus, but a possible turning point for the sporting events. Even as the crowd admired the boldness and shock a young, athletic woman like herself was in the arena, a violent hunger stirred in her. That fury and rage at the world boiled beneath her craving for a true chance at expressing her capabilities, a subconscious hatred to the world around her with the way her brother had been discarded once he was broken and no longer usable… it fueled her aggression in the arena.

Accidents happened in performances, violent strikes turned into near-death situations. The crowd turned from those wishing to be entertained into those who saw excitement in such cruelty, which in turn made the games even more of an eye-sore in the changing landscape of Rome.

Cecilia, now famous for her ruthlessness, was pitted against an armored man. The same gladiator class that had cruelly struck her brother down. As this exchange and contest of strength enduring, she was struggling to use her agility to fully out maneuver this opponent. For each second and each moment she lost precious ground against her enemy, she stitched her woes and hate into this man. Everything she lost, everything she was **losing** was because of this _thing_ in front of her. It was no longer a man, but an obstacle in her way.

In that burning fury, she took her revenge for her brother, for her family, and for all those that doubted her path to greatness in honor of Marcus. They would be remembered.

That triumphant pride that filled her head, hearing cheers that urged her forward when all the audience could see was fists, feet and elbows crashing into a downed man for minutes on end.

Those cheers quickly turned to horror.

His helmet dented in, gone limp as Cecilia’s bloodcurdling cries filled the arena. Those that didn’t look away could only see the fabrics of her outfit stained in blood, her trident and net had been long since discarded as her fists dripped with blood. Cecilia's fists swiped through the air like a strokes of paint on canvas, painting the arena red with her outburst and assault on the dying man beneath her.

With each second of mindless violence, people fled the arena in fear, to fetch an authority -- _any_ authority. In their place, a dark fog rolled in through the tunnels and openings.

Her passion and emotion burned eternally, tearing through her wounds, erupting out like a heated haze. Even as she stopped her onslaught, that energy and fury burned in her still. She couldn't calm down, her cheeks burned, leaving her nothing but her hatred and the void surrounding her.

Fate had still had her by the throat, even after her act of defiance, and it was fate that wielded her like a butcher’s knife. That same passion she just wielded for herself was burning holes through her flesh like a light that would not go out, a fire that could never stop burning.

The rage was not overflowing because of abundance, but because of the pain and emotion she felt in her still conscious mind, knowing she would not see her brother again. She was doomed to her fate in this state, in this raw emotion, to be the Entity's butcher knife and to never return home.



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  • The characters "Mākere" and "The Gladiator" as well as their concept art were created by WheatDraws.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Since the earliest drafts of the concept, the Survivor was always meant to be an older woman who was a historian, but the Killer was originally a male gladiator by the name of Marcus, who eventually got repurposed as a part of Cecilia's story.

  • Many of The Gladiator's add-ons were influenced by the storytelling found in Dead by Daylight's The Oni's add-ons, where it expanded his story and life further in smaller quotes and descriptions that weren't mentioned at all in his base lore.

An Original Dead by Daylight Chapter Concept
Designed by WheatDraws
First Published: June 7th, 2024
Last updated: June 7th, 2024




Mākere Rewi grew up in Ireland with her parents, her mother hailing from New Zealand and her father never having left Ireland his entire life. Mākere didn’t grew up knowing too much about her mother’s culture, but in her name and homelife habits would unknowingly be filled with the Māori culture.

Sadly, growing up she had better things to do than familial bonding, like hanging out with her friends, or sneaking away to experience festivals and parties. While her mother was clearly upset at such disregard to her home's culture, Mākere didn't think much of it at that point in her life. She found it tedious to correct people on how to say her name, or deal with the frustration of someone not caring to ask how to even say it in the first place. For most of her young life, if she wasn't at home, she was simply 'May'.

All of this changed for her when she finally agreed with her mom to go on vacation, leaving Ireland for a week to her mother's old stomping grounds in New Zealand. She would have never guessed a single trip would change the trajectory of her life, finding immense curiosity and enjoyment in the history of Māori culture. Her mother saw that spark of inspiration in her, and was proud to see her filled with energy upon witnessing a haka for the first time and the way it carried such raw emotion and connection.

With this interest, Mākere's young adult life was spent pursuing an interest in historical cultures and preserving them, while educating many of the significance of indigenous people across the world. She was credited in many journals and alongside other authors for her work and dedication well into her adulthood. She was proud to have helped dismantle harmful expectations and visions the public may still have to this day thanks to things like cinema or outdated history books.

While drafting a commissioned manuscript for the history of Roman culture, Mākere found herself absorbed into the possible origin of a violent association given to Roman gladiators. There were some claims by the emerging religious evolution at the time of the pagan rituals these games contained, but she found too many threads connecting back to a series of events and an individual that she felt obligated to follow, even spending restless nights researching further.

Mākere eventually found an obscure record of attendance and a roster, which led her further into a significant uncovering of a gladiator named “Marcus”. With this, she crafted her research carefully, believing herself to have discovered a loose origin of such a brutally violent association with these athletic games. It had already been long-disproved that the games were all ruthless massacres or executions, but now they had a name to possibly put to it what the newly found religious powers used as an example to outlaw and eradicate gladiator spectacles.

A month into the project, an associate arrived to see how progress was coming along, only to find Mākere was missing. Authorities couldn't pinpoint anyone coming or leaving the home, and Mākere had left behind most of her personal effects, leaving the world without a talented historian. Some feared that in her later years of life, may have had an accident without anyone knowing where she went off to. Others believed in a conspiracy, that she was writing something damning or concerning for the public, considering one of the few things missing from her home was the drafts and manuscript pages for her research.

Regardless, many schools and other groups honored the memory of a fifty-eight year-old historian in their own ways for years following her disappearance, unaware of just how twisted her fate had become when a black fog had invaded her dreams during an exhausted night of researched, filled with nightmares of a gladiator pursuing her.

Mākere thought it would end soon enough, just a nightmare that took too long to get past, but the pain of death being experienced over and over again could never wake her from this nightmare.

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  • The characters "Mākere" and "The Gladiator" as well as their concept art were created by WheatDraws.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Since the earliest drafts of the concept, the Survivor was always meant to be an older woman who was a historian, but the Killer was originally a male gladiator by the name of Marcus, who eventually got repurposed as a part of Cecilia's story.

  • Mākere's perks were born from a personal desire to see more map-oriented perks or things that interact with the item in some form and convey that infectious enthusiasm about someone's interest being spread out to others.

First Published: July 30th, 2021
Last updated: June 7th, 2024




There was never a second chance. To believe there was one meant failure was an option.

Kyle sprinted, donning newly stolen clothes as he chased after the path of wreckage made by the machine, an unfeeling march of evil that he followed along with the screams and cries of Sarah.

Kyle swallowed, the cool air sliding across his sweating skin the only respite he would gain as he rounded a corner, seeing the machine raise its weapon to a staggering Sarah Connor.

There was the mission, the reason to be here, and then there was the genuine desperation to save this woman, the woman he cared for. He bashed his body into the machine, toppling it nearly in its blind race to execute Sarah. Kyle was luckily able to recover much more quickly, and brought Sarah back to running.

There would be no time to celebrate, no time to plan, or any time to consider the path to the future. There was only the one chance.




  • All references to Terminator, Skynet, Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, and Terminator models used in the portrait render were sourced from Deathgarden: Bloodharvest's Terminator DLC, Kyle and Sarah found in the files of the DLC as they were unreleased.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Outlast canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • This concept is rooted firmly in the first film's canon. References and allusions to all other films have not been included, or kept to an absolute minimum. The first film is far more horror-centric as a stalker film rather than the action oriented-sequels that followed despite their incredible praise, and I felt it was important to emphasize that.

  • Early name for Against All Odds perk was "1v1 me" and "It Ends Here".

First Published: July 30th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




In the same future on a different clock, Sarah Connor was pursued by an agent of Skynet, a T-800. The chase led through the city, but eventually blended concrete and brick into bark and stone seamlessly. A thick fog surrounded herself as she threw everything its way.

The T-800 raised its weapon, a gun - or at least she thought it was as it hummed with a hair-raising noise. Before it could discharge, Kyle Reese emerged, a fresh arrival and another chance at saving the future.

Her heart raced, unsure of what or how he came to be once more. Before a word could come out of her mouth, he brought her back to her feet proper and led her away, running from a recovering T-800 as it recalibrated a new target.

Sarah Connor's survival was important to the future, and Sarah steeled herself, bracing and devoting herself to survival and using whatever means to fight for a future worth saving.

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  • All references to Terminator, Skynet, Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, and Terminator models used in the portrait render were sourced from Deathgarden: Bloodharvest's Terminator DLC, Kyle and Sarah found in the files of the DLC as they were unreleased.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • This concept is rooted firmly in the first film's canon. References and allusions to all other films have not been included, or kept to an absolute minimum. The first film is far more horror-centric as a stalker film rather than the action oriented-sequels that followed despite their incredible praise, and I felt it was important to emphasize that.

  • Sarah Connor's perks had an overall theme that I restricted myself to while designing and reworking them: They had to be about building up to the woman who would survive and endure the future films, and eventually pass that knowledge to John Connor, but showed how far she was willing to go and come for that future.

  • Prepared for Anything's icon is based on the photo taken of Sarah at the end of Terminator.

First Published: October 10th, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




"I will not accept a life I do not deserve."

A mantra, a fuel to desire repeated, and bellowed from deep within. Those words she shouted, the ones she boldly proclaimed before leaving that farmhouse still echoed in her skull as she drove away into the night, the sweat of Texas heat clinging to the body, cooled only by the night air.

This freedom didn't last long, the car coming to a halt and finding itself stuck on a lonely road, the shadows of crops reaching up into a dull night sky, and filled with the screams and shouts of Maxine as she kicked and pushed at the car in her fury.

She put a hand to her face, wiping sweat and the mess of blood and make-up out of the way, pushing back her hair as she stood up in a partial daze, looking down the road. It was strange. the heat dissipated, but she could make out a figure in the distance, barely illuminated by the dying lights of the vehicle.

A mirror, tears down the face, eyes burning with a similar rage, and a body as if made up of blood, bright red in color. It was hard to tell if this was just a hallucination, or trauma, but Maxine would not surrender herself to the idea.

She screamed, her voice filling the night air with those words once again empowering her.

"I will not accept a life I do not deserve.




  • All references to Pearl, Maxine, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Pearl and Maxine models used in the portrait render were created by Tico.

  • Image renders of Pearl and Maxine were created by Tico and used with permission.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Maxine's perkset was designed with the idea in mind of subverting the expectations and perception of the Killer and to overcome challenges put before her.

  • Afterimage's perk icon is inspired by a scene in X (2022) where Maxine is floating in the water.

  • Heat of the Moment's icon is an icon with a hidden "X" in it, using the legs to suggest the shape.

First Published: October 16th, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Gasping for air, Tommy breached the surface of the water, looking around at the dark night, illuminated only by a pale moon above. The dock to the lake was missing, but the shore wasn't far. The weight of his clothes dragged him, but he could make it to land after swimming.

Stagging, crawling towards... nothing. Grass, trees, brush, but no camp. No sign of the cabins, the boats, or anything really. Scrambling, bringing himself to his feet, dirt clinging to his wet clothes as he scanned the distant lake that... No, its shape couldn't have changed. He was just here, he had chained Jason to the bottom of Crystal Lake, a sunken prison for an undying foe.

Tommy swallowed, wiping his face as if the water was sweat, looking around for anyone left, or a sign of where he was. It didn't matter, even as the chill wind blew against the back of his neck, sending a cascade of tremors through his back in fear. A ripple in the water formed, and he clenched his jaw, a volatile mix of fear and fury within his body.

Fight, or run? He was out of options, but now was where needed to make his last stand as a shape blacker than the empty night itself rose from the water, distorting the surface and entering this world with him, this embodiment of trauma chasing him still.

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  • All references to Friday the 13th, "The Slasher", "Tommy Jarvis", and usage of other such characters and names belong to their rightful owners.

  • Tommy Jarvis portrait image render is an edited screenshot from Friday the 13th: The Game.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Tommy's overall perk design was about confrontation and using that to fill the selfless, although reckless, leader role in a team, meaning to get the most use out of him, you are forced to put yourself in harm's way as a way to allude to his character's appearance and actions in Friday the 13th, Jason Lives (1986).

First Published: July 27th, 2022
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




A swirling vortex of noise, the sounds of monstrous flying vermin circled the warrior in his last stand.

He took his time, his patience, and used his pole-arm weapon to strike at range, landing a critical hit on one that attempted to ambush him! Another quickly swept in during this opportunity, landing a devastating blow, cutting easily through denim and cheap fabric, scarring flesh and muscle beneath as a dark spray of blood crashes to the ground and the beast returns to the swarming flock.

One-by-one, he fended them off, but one-by-one, they picked and tore at him, the warrior staying steadfast and bellowing like the roar of a speaker, the heart of an intrepid hero in his soul.

What came next was fuzzy, lost in a flurry of the onslaught, leaving him fighting air as he awoke with sores, scars, and pains all over. Beneath him, a bed of crisp leaves. Above was the canopy of trees, a starless sky looking down at him with the crackle of a fire nearby.

Whatever had happened, it wasn't the game over he thought it might've been. Having the confidence in his ability to fight back, he bounced back up, dusted off his jacket, and took a deep breath. Time to go out again.

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  • Eddie Munson, Henry Creel, and Stranger Things belong to their respective owners.

  • Portrait renders for Eddie Munson and Henry Creel both were taken from promotional photos and statues of said characters respectively.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


First Published: November 25th, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Feet dragged along the dirt road, a trail of mud and wet footprints left in her wake. Mia shivered, shuddering as she had only crossed the previously flooded river only an hour ago, still trekking through the wilderness alone and covered in both blood and dirt.

Everything she went through, everything she had experienced had nearly convinced her she was dreaming, that maybe there was a point in the road where she could fall off the world and wake up back at home before this entire trip ever even happened. Like some twisted, fucked up imagination to get her to quit, but... it just kept going.

She was convinced it was still happening just for a glimmer of hope until a woman wearing even more blood than she was, perhaps just as much, stopped her and attempted to speak to her. She couldn't make out anything she said, and responded only when she noticed in the woman's hands was a book, though not the same one she saw. It looked different, but it felt so familiar. Before she could even collect herself and inquire, this woman turned and looked away, shielding Mia from what looked to be a towering figure adorned in armor looking down upon them from a nearby hill.

The voice and face was not familiar, but the words he would speak were. Like some sort of resurrection, something snapping her back into the mindset of a survivor like she was at the cabin, going to drastic lengths to make it out and fight back. She awoke and focused a furious, desperate glare at the man above who wielded a sword in one hand and the other pointed to them.

He spoke aloud, "I will swallow your souls!"

She recognized the power behind it, and she thought of her friends and all that she lost at that cabin. If there was a time to get revenge, another chance to fight back and go home... this was it.


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• All references to Evil Dead, "The Deadite", "Lord Arthur", "Mia Allen", "Bethany Bixler", and usage of other such characters and names belong to Renaissance Pictures.• "The Deadite", "Mia Allen", and "Lord Arthur" image renders used were taken from Evil Dead: the Game.• Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.• Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


• While originally this expansion on the "Evil Dead" chapter was going to feature Pablo and Kelly from Ash vs Evil Dead, I wanted to make it more appropriately expand out in to the rest of Evil Dead canon, celebrating heroes and villains alike throughout the series from its various tones and the way they interact with evil.• Each Survivor has their own perks meant to evoke the means they use to confront the Kandarian Demon itself. For Mia, it was about how she deals with pain and suffering, and tapping into a connection with that evil at a risk.

First Published: November 25th, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Many years after the attack on Castle Kandar, Arthur knelt in a private sanctuary, silently making his prayers in the middle of the night. His sweat clung to his face, hands trembling as visions and nightmares of Deadites returned so vividly. Nightly, he'd be faced against them, only to have to retreat into the forests. His face flinched, twitching at the recollections before finding himself awoken to the loud crash of something at the stone exterior.

Quickly, he stood up an rushed to the door, throwing it open with a creak of wood and metal only to not see the quiet interior of Kandar, but a swirling vortex that pulled him forward, the greaves scraping against the stone as he tried to brace himself, stabbing his blade into the earth a few inches to keep himself from flying into the unknown magics on display. His hands quickly grew pained and sore from holding onto the grip of his weapon, but all it took was one moment of weakness to send him flying back into it, stones and sections of the castle sucked into the vortex with.

It felt like being hurled through the air, a river with no direction, or the millisecond of falling off his bedside in his nightmares as if stretched out for impossible hours or days.

Eventually he found himself out of the event, screaming as he clattered to the grassy earth along with various pieces of rubble and small items caught up in the strange event. He rolled onto his back, groaning and adjusting to the strange air he found himself surrounded in, looking up into the starless dark skies. That's when it appeared, the blurred shape of a man over him, followed by a familiar voice that expelled all air from his lungs in a groan.

"Should I be expecting Henry too, or is it just you and the big guy?"

Above him, the Chosen One, but... older. Aged, and somehow more annoying in his tone. At least this time he offered a hand up, a twist of fate compared to when this was how they encountered each other originally.

Now, he was at the mercy of Ash and others to get himself back home, but he had none of the selfishness Ash had all those years ago.

Arthur was determined to return everyone home. Even the braggart.


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  • All references to Evil Dead, "The Deadite", "Lord Arthur", "Mia Allen", "Bethany Bixler", and usage of other such characters and names belong to Renaissance Pictures.

  • "The Deadite", "Mia Allen", and "Lord Arthur" image renders used were taken from Evil Dead: the Game.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • While originally this expansion on the "Evil Dead" chapter was going to feature Pablo and Kelly from Ash vs Evil Dead, I wanted to make it more appropriately expand out in to the rest of Evil Dead canon, celebrating heroes and villains alike throughout the series from its various tones and the way they interact with evil.

  • Each Survivor has their own perks meant to evoke the means they use to confront the Kandarian Demon itself. For Lord Arthur, it was about being a frontline body, taking hits and getting in the way of the enemy to save his people.

First Published: November 25th, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Beth spilled out with the crimson red, the sudden flow of blood carrying herself out onto the floor as she was fully submerged in the substance just moments ago. She coughed, sputtering as her eyes opened slowly. She looked around, and was no longer anywhere in the elevator, nor the parking garage. The trees didn't even look like they were anywhere in Los Angeles, but more importantly, she screamed, searching through inch-deep pool of blood that surrounded her and sunk into the dirt and grass around her.

Beth screamed for her, screaming Cassie's name, trembling as she knelt and crawled around in the pool of blood. Her fingers dug into the soaked dirt under it all, sobbing and crying into it.

Who knew how long it was before she finally looked up from the dark crimson-stain upon the earth around her, she couldn't tell. The only thing that pulled her out of it was the ominous sounds of some sort of hiss or growl behind her, causing her to spin and rise to her feet quickly, seeing only a few meters away from her some sort of pedestal standing alone. Upon it, a book bound in a similar material that she had seen before, but this one lacking teeth and sporting a human face of agony upon it. She braced herself, lured closer to it as her hands, trembling and furious was ready to tear the object in two--

But as it entered her hands she could feel a cold presence linger over her shoulder. Instinctively, she turned again to expect the face of her sister Ellie, but instead watched as an unfamiliar shape of a man was rushing forward towards her.

Whatever this thing was, she knew it wasn't any sort of ally. In a fearful instinct, she took the book and fled with it, hoping to find Cassie on the way, or a way back.

She had to find a way back.


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• All references to Evil Dead, "The Deadite", "Lord Arthur", "Mia Allen", "Bethany Bixler", and usage of other such characters and names belong to Renaissance Pictures.• "The Deadite", "Mia Allen", and "Lord Arthur" image renders used were taken from Evil Dead: the Game.• Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.• Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


• While originally this expansion on the "Evil Dead" chapter was going to feature Pablo and Kelly from Ash vs Evil Dead, I wanted to make it more appropriately expand out in to the rest of Evil Dead canon, celebrating heroes and villains alike throughout the series from its various tones and the way they interact with evil.• Each Survivor has their own perks meant to evoke the means they use to confront the Kandarian Demon itself. For Beth, it was reinforcing her companions and reassuring them rather than constantly combating it.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: October 3rd, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




During a hunt for food, the further out Ellie got, the scarcer the wildlife became. Frustrated, she went to return with what she had gotten, only to find her trail missing. It was getting dark, and a fog rolled in.

She set up a small fire, preparing herself food and was uneasy with how the atmosphere changed. Something wasn’t right. She could feel like… someone was watching her. She focused her eyes on the trees across her campsite, barely able to make out a figure. She went to reach for a knife stowed in her pack, only to end up touching the trampled grass in shock. In almost an instant, everything shifted around her. Her campsite was far more traveled, a dirt path clearly made of what seemed like hundreds of persons moving through the area, barely living grass and tall, haunting trees.

Ellie’s heart raced, she looked around, trying to form a plan or something to defend herself with. She looked back to the trees again. The figure was still there.


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  • All references to Ellie Williams and usage of other such characters and names belong to PlayStation as part of The Last of Us series.

  • Ellie Williams image render used were taken from The Last of Us Part II.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • While some were hoping that Joel would have been the Survivor, Ellie is without a doubt the main character and felt more deserving of a spot as a Survivor when concepting her for Dead by Daylight, including perks and figuring out what it looks like for someone to be born in the apocalypse and survive in it, how it shapes that person who's only ever known that.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: July 22th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




It could’ve been worse.

A station in Antarctica, full of intelligent and smart people stuck in a blizzard with a monster. They had nowhere to go as paranoia set in, and while the monster might kill them, the cold definitely will.

R. J. MacReady took charge when things got tense, being a respected member of the group who could keep an even temper, but it was hard to make decisions when everything was falling apart and splitting at the seams. The generator was destroyed, power was going away, and slowly one-by-one, everyone was picked off until MacReady turned the freezing over station into a massive bonfire, the burning building acting like a flickering ember on the surface of a frozen wasteland in the night. MacReady, freezing and finding surprising comfort in a flame and warmth he knew wouldn’t last forever, resigned himself to his fate until he saw Childs, a man who he assumed dead or abandoned the station. Unsure if he was truly a Thing or not, he waited and watched carefully as his oblivion awaited.

Just as his eyelids grew heavy, and the heat of the torched structure around him began to die out, a new cold took him. It was… warmer. Not familiar, and almost immediately comforting until he found himself in a half-melted puddle of snow and powder, propped against a tree. Still trembling, near-death in his mind, he looked around to find himself in a forested area, and a sizable campfire nearby. Crawling and rushing to it in desperation, knowing it could all be a desperate hallucination, he warmed himself slowly near it, his breath still visible in the air.

He didn’t know it yet, but there were far more monsters in these woods than in Antarctica. Thankfully, his own paranoia and trust issues made him ready, alert, and warmed the will to survive more than any fire could. As far as he was concerned, he was the only survivor of The Thing at U.S. Outpost 31.

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  • The Thing, R.J. MacReady, and other mentioned characters all belong to their respective owners.

  • R.J. MacReady 3D model was created and provided by Eefernal, created for the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and used with permission.

  • Image renders and textures used for R.J. MacReady were created and provided by Roman Noodles for use by the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and used with permission.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: February 10th, 2024
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




As Sam helped get her friends out of the lodge atop the mountain, barely avoiding death itself with the monstrous creatures that resided in this snowy, cragged environment. Waiting for the perfect opportunity, Sam rushed out the front door, heartbeat pounding in her ears, the sounds of quick nails and limbs creaking slightly with inhuman and unnatural speeds. Just as she was sure it would have reached her, she stumbled to the ground, hands and forearms against the cold dirt as she turned to look up and scream with wet eyes. Instead, she found nothing.

Sam, chest rising and falling rapidly with terrified breath, looked around, finding the familiar snow-topped trees and earth missing. Instead, a cold, dark forest around her and a layer of fog around her ankles and just beyond the treeline. Confused, she screamed for someone – Anyone. Nothing.

She began to panic, terrified of what happened to her, assuming maybe this was another vision, but it was very much real as she could hear a twig snap about twenty feet away near a tree. She froze like a deer in headlights before breaking into a sprint, immediately finding herself stuck in the iron, ruthless jaws of a bear trap. Her scream ripped through the air, and a large man with a mask she didn’t recognize approached, a bloody, brutish weapon in hand.

Moments later, she woke up, the pain still there, but alive. This was the first mistake, and the first aftermath. Many more would come, and she would adapt, hoping and praying she would find her friends in whatever fucked up nightmare she was subjected to now.

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  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Image renders and textures used for Samantha Giddings were created and provided by Roman Noodles for use by the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and used with permission.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Samantha Giddings's perkset was inspired and created with the idea of a chain reaction or the simple cause and effect.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: February 10th, 2024
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Gordon kept mental notes, his memory fresh with the flash of bright, unnatural green as a long piece of metal with jagged teeth at the end swung at him, scraping and eating small parts of the surface of the HEV Suit. It was enough to keep him alive, and get out unharmed in his first week here.

Gordon Freeman already dealt with alien kind with tools available to any common man, but he found himself without a crowbar. The occasional tree branch would do, but this offense was only permitted while his suit protected him from the elements and effects of the monstrosities here. A massive woman, straight out of ancient texts with bile dripping from her lips, a man with a mask of bone and hooks pierced into his cracked flesh, and a grossly intertwined mass of flesh and corpses held together by strings of shadow and malice. It had variety at least, but he easily could determine he wasn’t on Earth, or even Xen. Maybe somewhere in space, on some floating ball where it’s similar to Earth and constantly cold, but he had no instruments or tools of measurement. All he could do was keep taking notes as the power in his suit drained slowly over the next two months.

He knew that once the suit was depleted he would be seen as easy prey, unable to fend off the cruel and malicious effects of these monstrous killers he was subject to. Just as he had developed a bond with various other survivors and their trust, he found himself stuck in stasis around the fire. A few meters away, a familiar man in a dull-colored suit appeared in a blindly white doorway.

“I see you’ve done well for yourself, Doctor Freeman. My employers would agree this is a… less than optimal place to leave you for now, but you have seemed to adjusted well... to this place and its small hiccups, and so here you will remain.”

The man’s uncanny smile and speech pattern froze him in place, and with a small laugh, the suited man stepped back into his doorway, leaving Gordon with a few words before he could even act.

“Do let Miss Vance know that I stopped by, Mister Freeman.”

With a silent compression of the doorway, the man was gone and everything was back to as it was. Gordon took a deep breath, stilled his mind, and rose to his feet. Nudging his hand to his glasses, he went to work, convinced Alyx was also trapped somewhere in this hell. Somewhere out there, she was stuck just like he was. He would need her help to escape.


media & links


  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using their respective canon.

  • Portrait renders and textures used for Gordon Freeman were created and provided by Roman Noodles for use by the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and used with permission.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Gordon Freeman's perkset was designed with the idea of intervention being front and center.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: June 26th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Michael was raised as the beloved elder child of William Afton, known by many and destined by those around him to follow in his father’s success with their similar looks. It was an inescapable comparison, suffocating even just being known as “William’s Son”. Even so, he obediently followed his father’s guidance and suggestion throughout his young adult life. Eventually, that led him to terrible discoveries that would uncover horrible crimes and revelations. Michael learned of his father’s involvement in the disappearances of missing children involving his creations, and so he made it his mission to end the suffering and lasting effects of these deeds.

Michael’s progress was halted however, an amalgamation of animatronics forcing their way into the husk-like body of Michael within an underground facility. They puppetted him around, letting him rot as they used him until he was no longer a convincing suit of skin, fleeing the disgusting flesh and muscle. However, Michael still lived somehow.

This new appearance, while hideous, strengthened his belief that maybe this was his true path, one that ironically would separate him from his father as he pursued the legacy of death created by the man himself. It would be difficult, especially now, but that didn’t stop Michael.

Michael tracked down every possible lead, finding himself at a horror attraction named Fazbear’s Fright. That’s when they found him. It was no longer destroying what William Afton had left behind, it was now a matter of stopping him from continuing again. That week, the building was burnt to the ground, one of many attempts at killing William Afton.

Michael kept pursuing what his father had done, sickened, but numb to the horrors committed by the man. Michael worked with another who knew of William’s crimes, another trap lain waiting for William and those involved. Once more, a fire burned the metal, plastic and felt, a decisive blow to the plotting of William in his unlife.

Michael felt successful, nearly every shrine to his father’s legacy in ruin, but as with anyone involved in this story, there would be no freedom from the knowledge of William.

Inhaling ash, resting his eyes, Michael sputtered, coughing and curling up on a new tile floor beneath him. The man shakily curled on the floor, suddenly waking in the very establishment he saw in his dreams. Fazbear’s Fright stood once again, but was in a blaze, caught between the start and the demise of the building. He looked at his hands, scarred and dirtied, but restored to a more human-like quality. He felt his face for the first time in what felt like lifetimes ago, the stubble of a beard under his fingertips. He was brought back to life, closer than he had been to truly being alive in a long time. He couldn’t make sense of it, and wandered the building for answers, hoping this was maybe the end of it all. Could it be?

As he entered the small office space, he knew he would never know the answer to that question. His eyes locked to the shattered window, standing opposite of the glass pane a rotted and yellowed suit stood isolated.

Michael was done taking chances. He balled his fists, and stared down this horror before him.




  • "The Attraction" / Springtrap model is from Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery developed by Illumix. The image render of it was commissioned by myself and rendered by Benj's Archive. Five Nights at Freddy's is owned by Scott Cawthon.

  • Michael Afton model was modified and created by Rarithlynx. The image render of it was commissioned by myself and rendered by Benj's Archive.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Springtrap and Michael Afton's lore and appearances are primarily based on and rooted in Five Nights at Freddy's 3, with some canon taken from games leading up to Five Nights At Freddy's: Ultimate Custom Night.

  • Hollow Sensation's perk icon is inspired by "Time Walk" by Amy Weber.

  • Five Nights at Freddy's Chapter Concept Spotlight was the very first time we ever created a video chapter concept in the spotlight format and abandoned "gameplay" videos. The reason for this is to present the same idea, but "on a nicer platter" to make it easier for people to understand and grasp what the perks and powers did without having to read everything if they didn't want to.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: October 3rd, 2021
Last Updated: July 19th, 2024




After his encounter with the warrior, Dutch realized the situation he was now a part of, and how the United States government would view it, regardless if they actually fully understood the truth or not. It had to come from somewhere, and that somewhere could be aware of what he managed to get through. Were they vengeful? Possibly. Did they play dirty? Only if they lost it seemed.

Dutch took some time to heal himself, to remain undetected in Guatemala as best he could while researching what locals believed the alien to be. Some called it a demon, others a spirit of sorts. Dutch knew the truth, but never enough. Once he was fit and able, he entered the same jungle, prepared to search for whatever remains were left, or if there was something he could do to stop it.

As he breached the jungle, he kept going deeper until he heard the familiar clicking noise in the distance. He followed, and as it grew clearer, the environment changed. The temperature was nowhere near as harsh, and all wildlife seemed to disappear.

That is, until he saw a crow perched on a rock, simply staring at him. He kept his eyes on it until it simply flew away, further into this jungle leaving him with nothing but a new question.

The noise he was following now came from behind, up and into the trees. It found him, but the question lingered in his mind: What did he find?




  • All references to Predator, Yautja, Alan "Dutch" Schaefer, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Image render of Dutch sourced from Illfonic's Predator: Hunting Grounds and edited.

  • Image render of Predator commissioned from and created by BenjsArchive for purpose and use by Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and edited.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Predator franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • When we had to "dress down" the model for Dutch in the Survivor Concept video, we removed most of his body armor and any weapons he had, but even then we found it funny to see him running away from a fight, so we doubled-down on making his perks about being an equal in combat or intensifying his aggression.

First Published: March 9th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Sam coughed up an ichor-like fluid. It didn't make a ton of sense, but many things didn't until it got to the end, at least he'd hope it would by that point.

He pushed himself up off the sand of the Beach, staggering slightly from the weight difference. He could've sworn he was carrying far more cargo not more than a minute ago.

Sam looked around, his hair still pulled back into a tight knot as he spat the last bit of fluid from his mouth to the ground.

With a soft, low grumble, he felt at his chest and immediately tensed.

They were gone.

In the same moment, the voice of a man rang out on the horizon of the Beach overlooking him, Sam bracing to sprint away.

The gold-masked individual laughed and boasted, but Sam was in no mood to stick around. He had no plan to entertain this asshole.


media & links


  • All references to Death Stranding, Sam Porter Bridges, Higgs Monaghan, and usage of other such characters and names belong to Kojima Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment.

  • Image render of Sam sourced from Hideo Kojima's Twitter post and edited.

  • Image render of Higgs sourced from belamybryn's High Poly 3D print statue and edited.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Death Stranding franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


First Published: March 9th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Inky void all around.

The Beach and all its messes were so comprehendible, but that was the beauty of it. DOOMs sufferers knew just as much as anyone else, but could **feel** more.

After getting his ass kicked in a one-versus-one round that would make any FGC holler and wail at the event, Higgs stood up from the damp sand with a groan. He felt at his side, and plucked the golden mask before placing it back onto his face, clicking audibly into place as he stood upright. With an inhale of air--

This wasn't the Beach. This wasn't even the smell of fresh Timefall. This was... somewhere else.

Higgs looked around, his gear still somewhat functional, but everything was off just enough. A slight tingle in the nerves of his arm, a brief jolt through his neck. Weird, uncomfortable, but familiar sensations.

Investigating just how capable he could be in this new place should be fun, especially now that on the horizon, waking up similar to himself, he saw the man who had not more than what felt like ten minutes ago thrown a case at his head rise from the beach.

The soft whine of the Beach could be heard, the starting pistol to a new attempt at killing this so called "The Great Deliverer".




media & links


  • All references to Death Stranding, Sam Porter Bridges, Higgs Monaghan, and usage of other such characters and names belong to Kojima Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment.

  • Image render of Sam sourced from Hideo Kojima's Twitter post and edited.

  • Image render of Higgs sourced from belamybryn's High Poly 3D print statue and edited.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Death Stranding franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • The original version of DOOMS Attunement (then called DOOMS Proficiency) was more of a trap / sensor playstyle with Beach Jumping to BTs wherever on a cool-down. This was revised in the overhaul to distance the design from the now released Skull Merchant and leaned more into playing with the "level up" mechanics found across different Killers and to tie into the lore and function of DOOMS.

First Published: November 25th, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




The sound of stone cracking, crumbling as the iron bars are pulled free could be barely heard as the battle raged on around Castle Kandar, the Army of Darkness conquering and laying waste to the men left defending the land. Ash was cutting it close, but too close, standing mere feet away from the undead warrior who now had the Necronomicon in his hands.

“No!” Ash shouted, barreling forward towards him as the armored warrior grinned through the rotted and corroded flesh upon his face. “The book is mine!” He shouted, the dark energies surging forth, blowing back all on the castle walls, some over the edge as skeletons scattered to the wind. It ripped through the air around them, Evil Ash holding the flesh-bound book in his hands with a twisted laugh rippling through space. Ash could only hold onto part of the crumbling wall, watching as dark energies enveloped the Deadite. Just as soon as it had started though, and that maniacal, vile laugh rang throughout the castle, he was gone.

The Deadite warlord and his army vanished into thin air, but the book remained, clattering to the ground with a dull thud anticlimactically. Ash slowly, and carefully rose to his feet, inching towards the book nervously all while Arthur and Henry looked onward, blades and men at the ready. A small tap of the metal gauntlet proved it probably wasn’t dangerous, and picking it up only a moment after showed the book seemed to be sated, or maybe inert.

With a heavy sigh, a confused furrowing of his brow, Ash examined the cover of this artifact. “Well, I guess that’s… that. If I ever have to see him again, it’ll be too soon.”

Castle Kandar was filled with the shouts of victorious men, some more proud to have the plague of undead over than concerned over what happened, and among them was Ash. He’d get to go home after this, and he was a hero at the end of it all so win-win, right?

Years later…

Ash ran through the brush of the Trial, breathing heavily, his older age not doing many favors for his encounters with Deadites since. Seeking a place for sanctuary from the Entity, he turned a corner to a long-forgotten stone shrine. An altar with a stone pedestal, a familiar book placed upon it. Behind it, emerging from a crimson-red gash in reality was a man who he had not seen in decades, and thought to be out of his life for good.

With a simple flourish of the blade, Evil Ash took up the Necronomicon and laughed, those same energies swirling around him as he boasted great power in his grasp.

"You'll be dead by dawn, Ash." He spat those words out like a poison, a familiar sting said many times before from just as familiar faces in the past. Before any sort of witty retort could be made, any clever comeback produced, the Deadite lunged forward with a ruthless swing of his sword.




media & links


  • All references to Evil Dead, "The Deadite", "Lord Arthur", "Mia Allen", "Bethany Bixler", and usage of other such characters and names belong to Renaissance Pictures.

  • "The Deadite", "Mia Allen", and "Lord Arthur" image renders used were taken from Evil Dead: the Game.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Evil Dead franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • The first version of The Deadite's power revolved around trapped Necronomicons, similar to the plot of Army of Darkness. This was changed to make the power more of a "fight over the book" and moved the idea of the mechanic to an add-on.

First Published: February 14th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Deep beneath Valentine Bluffs lives the terror of Valentines Day, 1981, a trauma in the bleeding heart of the earth

Well above the depths of the world is the quaint little town, cowering, terrified of the past they tried to hide, one that they held in fear

A party meant to unite the young men and women, to celebrate love and bodies, spoiled by the impostor who delved into that accursed earth and reforged the legend of Harry Warden

Not to home did his spirit return, but his ballad would play out from the dust and stone, rising to meet the darkness above, the legend itself from that Valentine's Day stalking the night while the 14th draws near




media & links


  • All references to My Bloody Valentine, Harry Warden and usage of other such characters and names belong to Paramount Pictures.

  • Harry Warden portrait render used was sourced from Andy Manoloff's figure.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the My Bloody Valentine original film.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • The original My Bloody Valentine film is my favorite classic slasher of all-time.

  • The 2009 remake of My Bloody Valentine is my least favorite slasher of all-time.

First Published: July 30th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




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media & links


  • All references to Terminator, Skynet, Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor, and Terminator models used in the portrait render were sourced from Deathgarden: Bloodharvest's Terminator DLC, Kyle and Sarah found in the files of the DLC as they were unreleased.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Terminator franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


First Published: July 22th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Pulses. Many pulses. The hot breath of creatures filled the air, scents of humans, canine, and the distant fume of gasoline quickly whipped away by the stray arctic breeze.

They scattered, the pulses hastened. For every individual that fell, their hearts compensated, pumping furiously in anxiety.

The test worked, but did not succeed.

The outpost burned, and the remaining creatures waited it out as the dark storm turned over. Out from the snow, shambling, writhing, was the corpse of now imitated flesh, near-incomplete.

The Entity, ever curious of potential, plucked such a thing from the ruins of U.S. Outpost 31, and simply suggested it to its own realm.

Here, this Thing would assimilate still. There were pulses, many of them. In the skin of one of their own, they would hasten within mere moments as flesh split open.

Hibernation would have to wait.






  • The Thing, R.J. MacReady, and other mentioned characters all belong to their respective owners.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Candyman franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


First Published: July 27th, 2022
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Exploring the vast beyond, stuck in the in-between, wedged into the barren expanse in an attempt to recover from the attempt on his life.

Henry felt the burns still on his body, the sting of fleshy growths coiling around his form, still charred from the attack. They would all be broken, crushed in a single hand like all those before.

In his journey, he found a new region. Newly unexplored from the unshaped, alien stone he had encountered upon his first visit into this world. He could feel another presence, one he didn't notice before just beyond the way. There was more to this realm to explore, more uncharted territory, and possibly a new resource for him to tap into, either to regain his power with, or to unleash upon Hawkins.

Starting with a single step, Henry journeyed forth, exploring into the unknown yet again.






  • Henry Creel, "The Curse", and other such characters or references to are owned by Netflix.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Candyman franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


First Published: July 31st, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




The Glory of Phyrexia knew no bounds.

The Great Work Begins.

No world would be safe, no realm would be out of reach from the invasion tree, and no creature, mortal or God would escape Phyrexia's perfect touch.

This was but one corner of the multiverse, a brief stop on the way to assured victory against imperfect flesh. All Elesh Norn ever saw in this small, miniscule world was soft, fleshy things that were under-developed. Many had grime on their hands and face, some had malformed limbs or crude items jutting out from the skin, surely a failed attempt at their own perfection, but of course was a failure.

Thankfully, she arrived.

A break in the sky, shattering inward like a fault in a vacuum, the large root of Realmbreaker shot through, digging through the guts of reality and sewing its barbed length into the battlefield of simple tools and basic machines. They looked up, like mortals unto God, fear and awe in their eyes. Striding down, arms held open in a welcoming embrace, The Mother of Machines opened her mouth to speak as more roots and branches broke into the distance of the Entity's Realm, reacting with a violent hiss as Elesh Norn invaded into yet another world that awaited her deliverance.

"All Will Be One."




media & links


  • Elesh Norn / "The Praetor" is owned by Wizards of the Coast.

  • The image render for Elesh Norn / "The Praetor" was taken from Magic Arena.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Magic: the Gathering franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: May 31st, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024








MEDIA & links


  • All reference depicting and using any SCP Foundation-related material is under CC-BY-SA. To use my own work in reference to the SCP related material on this website, please credit me appropriately. For the credits of all mentioned and referenced SCP articles and creations, they are listed at the bottom of the Credits section.

  • 3D models of "SCP-049" and "SCP-106" were created by Aruspice, Shakles, and PixelPuffin, which were released to the public for use.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Candyman franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.

"SCP-106" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-106. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-049" by Gabriel Jade, rewritten by djkaktus & Gabriel Jade, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-049. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"spikebrennan's proposal" by spikebrennan, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/spikebrennan-s-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"Dr Clef's Proposal" by DrClef, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/dr-clef-s-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-426" by Flah, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-426. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-085" by FritzWillie, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-085. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1733" by bbaztek, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1733. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1171" by DrEverettMann, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1171. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-5031" by PeppersGhost, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-5031. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-348" by Zyn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-348. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-500" by far2, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-500. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-093" by Unknown author, rewritten by NekoChris, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-093. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1981" by Digiwizzard, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1981. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1879" by marslifeform, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1879. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-662" by Rick Revelry, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-662. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-2316" by djkaktus, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-2316. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-294" by Arcibi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-294. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-____-J" by Communism will win, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-j. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-178" by 91stCataclysm, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-178. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-990" by Dave Rapp, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-990. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1048" by trennerdios, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1048. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1471" by LurkD, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1471. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-2137" by Max Landis, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-2137. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1762" by OZ Ouroboros, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1762. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1437" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1437. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-105" by thedeadlymoose, Dantensen, and DrClef, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-105. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-610" by NekoChris, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-610. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1833" by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1833. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-895" by Aelanna, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-895. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-096" by Dr Dan, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-096. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-173" by Moto42, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-173. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.


  • While the original DBDCCT video and teaser never made it to the public due to legal concerns that we hadn't realized until the last minute, this concept stays close to what we originally envisioned for the concept video and was intended to be a last hurrah and celebration before taking a break.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: May 31st, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024







related concepts

media & links


  • All reference depicting and using any SCP Foundation-related material is under CC-BY-SA. To use my own work in reference to the SCP related material on this website, please credit me appropriately. For the credits of all mentioned and referenced SCP articles and creations, they are listed at the bottom of the Credits section.

  • 3D models of "SCP-049" and "SCP-106" were created by Aruspice, Shakles, and PixelPuffin, which were released to the public for use.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Candyman franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.

"SCP-106" by Dr Gears, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-106. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-049" by Gabriel Jade, rewritten by djkaktus & Gabriel Jade, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-049. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"spikebrennan's proposal" by spikebrennan, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/spikebrennan-s-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"Dr Clef's Proposal" by DrClef, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/dr-clef-s-proposal. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-426" by Flah, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-426. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-085" by FritzWillie, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-085. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1733" by bbaztek, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1733. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1171" by DrEverettMann, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1171. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-5031" by PeppersGhost, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-5031. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-348" by Zyn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-348. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-500" by far2, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-500. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-093" by Unknown author, rewritten by NekoChris, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-093. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1981" by Digiwizzard, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1981. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1879" by marslifeform, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1879. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-662" by Rick Revelry, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-662. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-2316" by djkaktus, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-2316. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-294" by Arcibi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-294. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-____-J" by Communism will win, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-j. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-178" by 91stCataclysm, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-178. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-990" by Dave Rapp, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-990. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1048" by trennerdios, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1048. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1471" by LurkD, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1471. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-2137" by Max Landis, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-2137. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1762" by OZ Ouroboros, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1762. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1437" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1437. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-105" by thedeadlymoose, Dantensen, and DrClef, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-105. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-610" by NekoChris, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-610. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-1833" by Anonymous, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-1833. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-895" by Aelanna, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-895. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-096" by Dr Dan, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-096. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.

"SCP-173" by Moto42, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-173. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.


  • While the original DBDCCT video and teaser never made it to the public due to legal concerns that we hadn't realized until the last minute, this concept stays close to what we originally envisioned for the concept video and was intended to be a last hurrah and celebration before taking a break.

First Published: February 19th, 2024
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




The burning of her skin and hair filled her nostrils, nerves obliterated as her body resigned to a death by immolation, her extended hands holding baby Anthony felt lighter, finally rescuing an innocent from the obsessive, derranged clutches of a wayward spirit who knew no rest.

She imagined her funeral was a beautiful one, to be seen by her friends and family, but instead she had her own congregation. One that buried her with relic of her manipulator. She wasn't there, of course, but like a bell run, the hook sent falling into the abyss of her grave knocked upon the lid, and she gasped air for the first time in what felt like only minutes.

She looked around, trembling and shaking, the shock of life struck into her body as she laid on a scattered bed of leaves and dirt. She wasn't in Chicago, not even close. Cabrini-Green was nowhere to be seen, neither was the burn pile she remembered delving into before emerging from the blaze in the middle of the night.

Was she dead? Did she die? She woke up like this once before, from a dream, and it resulted in baby Anthony's disappearance. She was terrified that something horrible had happened yet again, but instead she found herself with strangers looking on in fear at the familiar figure near the treeline.

She was terrified, her mind cleared, eyes watering with hypnotic focus upon him. She was speechless, unable to comprehend just how real this enduring nightmare was now. This death would be nothing less than an eternal dream of torment at the hands of Candyman.

related concepts

MEDIA & links


  • All references to Candyman, Helen Lyle, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Image render of Helen Lyle sourced from a screenshot of the Candyman (1992) film and edited.

  • Image render of Candyman sourced from Candyman 1:3 Scale Collectable Statue and edited.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Candyman franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


First Published: August 20th, 2020
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




From the fires of Cabrini-Green, his congregation watched. Like ash in the air, a swarm rose from the blaze, filling the night sky as if scattered to the wind, filling the Chicago air.

The heat was not too unlike the sun of an open field he once laid in, looking up at shadow-casting men, women and children. The pain lasted forever, and even as the life left his body, the emptiness it left within him was filled with that pain, overflowing into him as his blood stained the ground, mixing into smeared honey.

He remembered the sun. He remembered the fire. The taste of honey, the taste of ash...

And now, a crisp air filled the space around him, taking it in. The pain, the tortured memories of deaths beyond imagining, the love he felt being taken from him in those moments as he inhaled. The air was cool, the night was dark, and in front of him, a woman he had been convinced left him once.

She looked on in awe of him, while others around her looked on in fear as his spread, open arms unveiled the rotted meat entwining within his exposed ribcage.

"Helen," he spoke, his voice like an echo in the mind and exhaling, the last taste of Cabrini-Green leaving his manifested form. "You came back to me."




media & links


  • All references to Candyman, Helen Lyle, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Image render of Helen Lyle sourced from a screenshot of the Candyman (1992) film and edited.

  • Image render of Candyman sourced from Candyman 1:3 Scale Collectable Statue and edited.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Candyman franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Back in 2020-ish, I had a conversation with a friend about Candyman in Dead by Daylight that spawned an inside joke about "the bee radius" and since then in every iteration of this concept, there has always been some sort of bee radius because I think it's a very funny sentence to have to take seriously.

First Published: September 26th, 2020
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Mother is talking to you, Jason ...

Jason ... They're still out there. He's still out there.

Kill for Mother, Jason. They deserve to suffer.

You can't let them get away, Jason. Kill them!

Sacrifice them for me, dear.

Kill, Jason! Kill!



related concepts

media & links


  • All references to Friday the 13th, "The Slasher", "Tommy Jarvis", and usage of other such characters and names belong to their rightful owners.

  • Tommy Jarvis portrait image render is an edited screenshot from Friday the 13th: The Game.

  • Jason Voorhees image render taken from Sideshow Collectables and edited.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Friday the 13th franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: April 24th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Limp in one hand, the corpse of some human-thing dangled weakly. Some life remained, but not enough to survive what came next as a quick hiss of metal slipped through the soft flesh. Precision movements split open the back and delving a hand inside the now corpse, retrieving the length of spine and skull with a vicious rip.

The hunt had many false starts, many disappointing endings, and offered nothing more than a pile of disappointing trophies.

Discarding the dripping item, it and its previous shell were discarded to the grassy forest floor. There was nothing worth pursuing, each were frail and had no intention to defend themselves.

But then, the challenge came. A bellowing roar from something, a human likely in the dark of the night. Climbing up the length of a tree and looking out further into this strange land was a flickering light and a vague suggestion of a person. Such a display was not in defiance of a hunter, but to dare consider them such an easy selection of prey. Only a brief moment of consideration had prevented the hunter from acting on this opportunity before bounding tree to tree, branch to branch, and releasing its own bellowing roar throughout the Entity's realm.

The hunt begins again.






  • All references to Predator, Yautja, Alan "Dutch" Schaefer, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Image render of Dutch sourced from Illfonic's Predator: Hunting Grounds and edited.

  • Image render of Predator commissioned from and created by BenjsArchive for purpose and use by Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and edited.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Predator franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • The original Predator Gameplay Concept Video is easily my least favorite of the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team videos. It also had the shortest development time and turnaround, that being approximately two to three weeks.

  • The revamp of the power you see now focuses on the idea of how the hunt is always a contest between creatures, and I wanted that to be central to how the Trophy system works and how it can influence or empower people as well as playstyles.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: July 1st, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




His mouth tasted of dust, dried and itching at his throat in the darkness of the castle.

Daniel, his mind wiped of the familiarity of the castle only sees echoes of it, like brush strokes or stains of watercolor warping and reshaping what once was fresh in his mind. He could hear the distant scrapes on old stone, the kickup of dust and discarded items on the floors of Brennenburg by creatures not himself.

He had no reason to trust anything here, especially the strange shapes this castle took. His head throbbed with pain, a hand going to clutch his forehead as his other hand trembled, the lantern carried high in it squeaking as it swayed.

A deep, gurgle of noise, nearly a hiss came over his shoulder. Immediately, he spun around and found nothing but darkness. Darkness of a hallway he had just travelled, turned into a new hallway. He turned again, and the formations around him changed, noises rippling out from all sides towards him, driving him closer to madness.

This would be the only familiar thing to him as he would learn that he is no longer in a world of his own or his mind's making. Something else entirely now, something no where near as familiar as those stains of paints that shaped vague suggestions of castle walls and corridors.

Pure, unlit blackness of the dark approached.

And Daniel remembered what it felt like to be terrified for the first time again.




  • All references to Amnesia, "The Gatherer", "Daniel", and usage of other such characters and names belong to Frictional Games.

  • "The Gatherer" / Grunt model was created by Frictional Games.

  • "Daniel" 3D model was created and provided by Eefernal, created for the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and used with permission.

  • Image renders and textures used for "Daniel" and "The Gatherer" were created and provided by Roman Noodles and used with permission.

  • This concept was drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Amnesia franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • While the concept was meant to focus on the original Amnesia title, throughout the perks, add-ons, and other items reference the other titles in the series.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: July 1st, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Pain and misery. A physical form nightmarish in shape, and even worse in function. The experience of being carelessly pieced together and torn apart, left a strange, barely recognizable shape of a human if one could call it that.

A twitch of the blackened claws in the crushed mass of a hand, sent a cascade of pain through the arm, to the bones as they pushed against swollen and disgusting muscle. Leathery skin wrapped tight, stitched and repaired, making sure the torment of the form remained contained within this unsightly creation.

If such a creation could cry out for pain, if it could beg for mercy, to be put down and given an escape, it surely would. But all it could do is lash out, becoming a nightmare in the mind of the feeble, becoming a bane to the strong, and a foil to the curious.

These grunts, these creations were in no way like any man. Man has a choice, they can change their lives, they can make compromises, and they can make their suffering end.

This thing has no such choice, no such freedom, and the only remaining quality of man, or imprint from man itself is suffering and torment.

This very being, once bound to Brennenburg Castle, has come with it. In the realm of the Entity, it manifests itself in a far more physical way. More lethal, more ruthless, and more distressed. A new tool, and a new weapon to be wielded more directly be a force as cruel as the Entity.






  • All references to Amnesia, "The Gatherer", "Daniel", and usage of other such characters and names belong to Frictional Games.

  • "The Gatherer" / Grunt model was created by Frictional Games.

  • "Daniel" 3D model was created and provided by Eefernal, created for the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and used with permission.

  • Image renders and textures used for "Daniel" and "The Gatherer" were created and provided by Roman Noodles and used with permission.

  • This concept was drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Amnesia franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • While the concept was meant to focus on the original Amnesia title, throughout the perks, add-ons, and other items reference the other titles in the series.

  • Outburst's perk icon was based on and is a reference to Disco Elysium's "Half-Light" skill portrait, and even was called "Half-Light" in the design document until the final draft I had corrected it to something not as direct of a reference. Still, the visual idea of a "blur of violence" was the driving energy behind the perk's visual and mechanical design.

  • While the Sanity Potion isn't technically in Amnesia: The Dark Descent, the description of the add-on references it as a piece of cut content from the game that can still be found in the files.

  • The common add-ons all are meant to be part of Amnesia: The Dark Descent's earliest puzzle, which culminates in the "Pot of Acid" add-on.

Designed in collaboration with the Dead By Daylight Community Concept TeamFirst Published: September 18th, 2022
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Gathered around the fire, Survivors wear injuries and dirt on themselves casually. It’s a disturbing comfort, barely escaping with your life, caught in an endless cycle of it. Some are more at ease to it, finding it not as relentless as the reality they once came from. Others are petrified in fear still. Here though, they believed it was safe.

“So what do you mean by that?”

“By what?”

“That it would just ‘abduct’ people? Like, what happened to us?”

Stories shared at the fire weren’t uncommon, but all it took was one piece of curiosity to untangle connected threads in the minds of the survivors.

“No, I don’t think so. It was just a local urban myth, y’know? Someone just passed the story around my school and there was some videos online, but it seemed like a hoax.”

“I’ve heard the same story too.”

Across the world, connected and memetic in nature, the story of a tall, thin figure in a suit wasn’t unheard of. Countless disappearances have been attributed to such local mythos, but never proven.

“I never heard anyone talk about it before too, or online. I always saw it out past my fence now and then.”

The door is opened.

“I was told it latches onto you, like a disease. And it spreads that way, from person to person.”

… And the invite is made.

“What was its name?”

A chill breeze sweeps through the campsite, and hairs stand on end. With this story shared, and caught unaware, the Entity finds a new being among its pieces, this time not brought in of its own intention, but of the Survivors with a single utterance of the name that has plagued countless communities–


There is nothing in the doorway, it has already arrived.






  • All references to Slender, Slenderman, Marble Hornets, and usage of other such characters or content belong to their respective owners and creators. This concept was created with a collective amount of popular Slenderman-related media while paying homage to each of them.

  • Image render of Slenderman sourced from Nicolás Montes's 3D Slenderman model and edited.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Slender mythos and collective media.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • The concept was written with popular Slender-related media in mind, and to not de-canonize any of them. This interpretation was meant to be the memetic property noticed in nearly every iteration of Slenderman, where he appears wherever noticed or mentioned, leaning further into it with the lore written of how the Entity never invited or brought Slenderman into the realm, he just showed up from a matter of belief and memetic properties.

  • The concept video features a recreation of real-life graffiti found by the Marble Hornets crew where a fan of the on-going series wrote "You're Gonna Die Tim" on the wall where they filmed the hospital segments.

  • I did the soft-spoken whispers in the teaser video for the Slender Concept and hid references or easter eggs in every name and date uttered during it.

  • The specific direction for the Chapter Concept video narration was "eerie campfire storyteller". We wanted to push the idea that the video itself was a story told at a campfire, or in hushed whispers when you knew no one was around. Something that innately felt taboo to discuss or hear.

Designed in collaboration with the Dead By Daylight Community Concept TeamFirst Published: June 25th, 2020
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




After the fire of Fazbear’s Fright settled, the local authorities ruled it as an accident to the public, but were still uncovering some evidence of foul play. The night guard who was staffed at the location that night was suspected to have perished in the fire, or likely fled the scene though the security footage was unsalvageable to uncover any further evidence due in part to the outdated technology bought by the owners.

From the ashes of the ruins, the moldy, torn suit sifted up from debris and rubble rose William Afton, somehow still clinging to life. He believed the suit to be a prison, a cage of felt, wire and springlocks keeping him alive to rot away within like a curse. As he came to realize, it was a tool. He was the parasite, using the curiously malicious nature of his situation to his advantage.

Within the earth, a pit that would lay the foundation of all that would come after, he rested. He waited and grew in power, but it wouldn’t be long before the call of the Entity would bestow Afton with the opportunity to see what he was truly capable of.

Michael could not burn him. Henry could not burn him. With each attempt at ending his life, his flesh would meld with the metal, twisting sinew into the springlocks as a cohesive, horrifying machine. With each movement his remaining muscles strained and manipulated the mechanical contraption that was his body, fully in control of the suit.

Then, the Entity arrived. It gave him an opportunity. He got out. He doesn’t know where he was, but it’s somewhere new.

Instead of burning his remaining existence into the furthest corner of hell, revenge was still wanted by the soul of a victim. As they attempted to pull and pry him from the fate of death and into their own purgatory design, the Entity intervened with its own plans as always. It saw a unique potential with William, and the work to obtain him was mostly done.

Collapsing in a heap of sludge-like blood, machine parts, and rotting fabric and flesh William rose once again. His breathing was like knives raking up and down his throat with each exhale and inhale of stale air. He could just barely taste the ash of the burning attraction around him. There was a familiarity to this place, and an unsettling discomfort. Something was wrong, something was… different.

William, still stuck and rotting within the springlock suit, shambled through the burning building, realizing his opportunity within this new world. If he was to live eternally with his sins, he would while doing what he enjoyed.

He found a fire axe within the blaze and sought out a new wave of victims with knives still in his throat with each low, sickening laugh.






  • "The Attraction" / Springtrap model is from Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery developed by Illumix. The image render of it was commissioned by myself and rendered by Benj's Archive. Five Nights at Freddy's is owned by Scott Cawthon.

  • Michael Afton model was modified and created by Rarithlynx. The image render of it was commissioned by myself and rendered by Benj's Archive.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Springtrap and Michael Afton's lore and appearances are primarily based on and rooted in Five Nights at Freddy's 3, with some canon taken from games leading up to Five Nights At Freddy's: Ultimate Custom Night.

  • Grim Celebration's perk icon is meant to be a skull of a "crying child", and was originally called "Filicide". This icon was also for a long period of my early work as an icon artist, was my go-to icon and "badge" on all social media. It's affectionally known as "Party Skull".

  • This concept in every iteration and version of it was made to avoid using a power for Springtrap that amounted to "stuffing people into suits", and leaned more into the idea of a phantom or ghostly power with the Phantom Animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and leaning into the idea of something lurking around nearby to keep someone on edge.

  • Five Nights at Freddy's Chapter Concept Spotlight was the very first time we ever created a video chapter concept in the spotlight format and abandoned "gameplay" videos. The reason for this is to present the same idea, but "on a nicer platter" to make it easier for people to understand and grasp what the perks and powers did without having to read everything if they didn't want to.

First Published: October 10th, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




There was so much to relive in the moments, in that singular, almost instantaneous pressure she felt.

The sound of the theater echoing, the sight of girls dancing, the touch of a man in the projection room... Pearl had almost everything she ever would've wanted, but none of it made her happy, or truly satisfied. There was always something more, and being satisfied with what she was given was not what she wanted, even in her old age. Howard, bless his soul, did his best, but she always wanted something better.

Her arm, frail as it was, pressed its attached palm into the dirt. The cool air was against her skin, but so was the blood splattered, the gross gore clinging her to the very earth she was pressed into by a tire. Like corpse, rising up from the loam, long-forgotten, Pearl felt the peel of gore off her forehead, her vision rising from dark crimson, looking forward towards the silhouette she saw.

Her own blood boiled, the crimson gore of her death staining her body, the whispers of not her own voice, but something else assuring her, promising her another chance at her happiness.

She stood, looking at a fractured mirror, perhaps an embodiment of her regrets or missed chances... and felt nothing but a fury known only to her and God as she took a step forward from her death, stained in the blood and rage she held onto for decades.

This was her big break, finally, and she wasn't going to let some defiant bitch get in her way this time.






  • All references to Pearl, Maxine, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Pearl and Maxine models used in the portrait render were created by Tico.

  • Image renders of Pearl and Maxine were created by Tico and used with permission.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the X / Pearl franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Early drafts of The Star's power were going to deal with semi-permanent wounds that could be applied while a Survivor is in the Dying State, but applying and making it useful felt clunky and slow, so the design was redone to fit a more natural "top down" design with the idea and visual of a performance occurring and using lullaby as a game mechanic outside of a warning.

Designed in collaboration with the
Dead By Daylight Community Concept Team
First Published: November 30th, 2021
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Outside of Derry, far beyond the Realm of the Entity exists more than just horrors in the dark. The horrors that live in the nothing of everything are what any reasonable mind would be afraid of.

A dark deal was made between the Entity and this creature only known as Pennywise to many of its victims. While Pennywise had to marinate its prey, causing it to suffocate with its own fear, in the realm of the Entity nearly every human had already suffered extraordinary fear, perfect for a quick bite. However, it was missing a personal touch.

Pennywise would help satiate the Entity, so long as it had access to the near-infinite source of delicious fear. It didn’t need to expose itself to its natural vulnerabilities either, much like a hand reaching into a pond. Only the fingers would appear, but to the small fish in the water, the finger was a monstrous creature in the guise of a dancing clown.

It didn’t take long for them to identify that a balloon was enough to cause them to tremble in terror. While terrorized, panicked, and fearful, they tasted even better.

And so, Pennywise began to salivate, arriving from a long slumber to get Its fill.






  • All references to Pennywise, IT, and usage of other such characters and names belong to their respective owners.

  • Pennywise model used in the portrait render was created by StraXartS, though modified.

  • Image render of Pennywise / The Feareater created by Roman Noodles for use by the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and edited.

  • This concept was originally drafted and completed in collaboration with the Dead by Daylight Community Concept Team and originally posted as a video on the Rarithlynx YouTube channel.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the IT franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Originally the chapter concept video had no voice lines or plans to find a soundalike actor to do the lines, but at the recommendation of a collaborator for the concept, we got some audio recordings from the impressionist and were genuinely surprised and a little unsettled at how he had directly referenced the team and improvised some lines.

  • Dark Dealings's perk name was inspired from Magic: the Gathering's Dark Deal.

  • While the concept is referencing the 2017 and 2019 films directly, there are quotes and smaller references to the original novel, miniseries, and other Pennywise canon throughout.

First Published: May 19th, 2021
Last Updated: August 1st, 2024




A blur of neon light. Paints that don't mix of vibrant, eye-assaulting color. This might just be a bad trip, you're hoping it's just a bad trip. But you know it, don't you? Nothing would be as bad as this.

Miami isn't safe. There's some maniac on the loose, killing people and leaving buildings nothing more than vacant boxes of concrete, drugs, and blood.

The world is teetering on war. At least, your world is. If only they were aware of it all, or realized how long ago everything went to shit and was fucked by the powers that be. This blind faith got no one anywhere. It didn't even make people hate each other more, it just made them more honest about it all.

Have you looked in the mirror lately? Are those even your own eyes? Your own hands? It's definitely not your blood on them.

It's like a static in your head, some feedback, but the heart beats to a different tune than your own will.

It doesn't matter if you like it. You don't have a choice.

Hurting people is all you're good for now.




Jacket: The Moment It Happens
Written by WheatDraws

“Guys, I think we better get out of here.”

The voice of the soldier echoed down the hall, even through the blaring alarm that coated the walls red. The sound of the call button on the elevator clicked. Clicked. Clicked. Clicked.

Before the doors even opened more than a couple inches, the numbing pain of being slammed into a wall rippled through every muscle and bone in his body, trembling as it met the warmth of blood and force pushing against the front of himself, like his body was pressed finely from two different impacts, one expanding and the other unmoving. Maybe it was the hit of his head, blonde hair quickly staining with blood as it dripped down the back of his head and neck, but he could’ve sworn he still heard the alarm.

He coughed, but could not feel his lungs, the pain of the pressure still lingered in his body as he was pulled up, his mouth opening to howl instinctively, knowing his arm felt like it was being ripped out of his socket even though everything felt absurd and otherworldly. His head hung low, seeing the floor moving past him, feet barely able to walk himself as he was pulled forward by his fellow soldier.

“You’re okay, you’re gonna be okay…”

The only sounds he could make out was the soldier, that’s how he knew who was carrying him. The wounded man couldn’t even lift his head enough to see the walls of the underground they had entered in, the failing power supply causing the tunnel to go dark. Distant, winding hallways echoing as he felt the blood and drool escape his lower lip, struggling to keep an eye close as blood followed the curve of his eyelid. Through those hallways, distant screams in Russian, shouting and orders, men defying orders, men acting on impulse and the need to survive.

Jacket felt lifeless in his own body, feeling as his very soul was bleeding out onto his uniform, over his friend, and leaving a trail through enemy territory. The wail of the alarm sounded like the darkness of some beast within the walls, hallways looked less right, the corridors appearing almost malformed. Earthy, even. He could see it on walls, in the red of his vision as he barely lifted his head.

It was the end, it should be. The moment where it happens, some say it’s slow, almost torturous, like you’re given the contrast of your demise against the happiness of life before it. Others say its instant, even painless, an alien mercy of not knowing when it happens or when it arrives. He had never thought of it either way, ignoring it was the only way to stay sane in this war, to keep those he cared about safe when and if he could, but maybe this was the former, maybe he got to know in a dark hilarity that his and his friend’s attempt of an escape ended in their death, his own giving him time to reflect on that.

“... stay with me…”

His voice, like summoning light, the malformed tunnel opening its maw, reverting its shape. He summoned light at the end as the alarm, that beast grew distant, its fangs and claws nipping at the back of his neck, like something reached out to pull at him. The soldier pulled him out of it.

Into the light, he was laid out on the ground, facing upward to the Hawaiian sky, wincing and trembling as he felt the emotion and pain of no longer living in death, but living outside of it. It hurt, and as far as he was concerned, the man who screamed over comms to call for evacuation was his goddamn guardian angel.

“Hang in there, buddy. They’ll be here real soon.”

The soldier knelt down just as Jacket’s bloody hand fumbled with his vest, reaching into the velcro pouch. If this was where he would die, to give the last of his strength, it would be in thanks. As if a physical feat beyond man, encouraged only by his near-death encounter, Jacket pulled open the pouch, and held out the polaroid in a weak hand to his friend.

“No need to thank me, kid.”

From the bottom of Jacket’s vision, the shape of that tunnel took form again, that maw just so barely in sight, something in the dark haunting him. He turned his head up, facing it. Something nipped at him, whispering at him. He didn’t cheat death. He was reliving it. The same death relieved countless times in nightmares, relived in countless days and nights thinking about San Francisco. In each dream, that beast grew closer. For the last time, Jacket ended that dream, waking in a hospital bed, wrapped in bandages, a stinging white noise in his mind as he rose from a coma.

“It’s on the house.”

Jacket: Overdue
Written by WheatDraws

Jacket sat on the edge of his bed, eyes focused on his hand as he moved his hand around, fingers curled around a green ball in his hand. The floor of concrete is nothing but a blur, the shoes granted to him as part of his prisoner uniform barely anything more than a dark brown, just past the orange knees.

His thumb pressed in, the ball giving in slightly to the pressure as he meditated as the guards would say, his eyes never leaving the toy. This cell, this prison, felt like a void to him. Everything beyond him was nothing, he had what he cared for ripped from him and everyone who saw him witnessed him for what he was without those people in his life. Without his own sanity. Without his own autonomy.

Jacket gave a firm squeeze with his hand, the thumb not able to dig as deep as he could before just by itself into the toy as he clenched it tightly. Jacket could not hear the sounds of shouts outside his cell, did not care to understand the screams of guards and prisoners alike. No one came to him, and he looked for no answers. He was in his own little world, haunted by a nightmare that no longer plagued him, the memory of his girlfriend and best friend nothing more than faces he only remembers in a violent blur.

The cell was not for Jacket, it was for the man he was perceived to be. It wasn’t the advice of his defense, but he kept his head low because he didn’t care to see it. He didn’t care to look past what he wanted for himself, and now he had nothing to look up and forward to.
Alarms of the prison rang out, distant sirens blared. The beast from the tunnels came to mind, that one nightmare. Jacket didn’t look up, he kept thinking as he released tension on the ball, rotating it in his palm.

He thought of his phone calls, playfully criticizing San Francisco culture and promoting his own local scene to his friend. He thought of the Miami sun on his skin again, looking out over the water and feeling like maybe he could hold a new life here, move past the things he had seen and done in Hawaii.

The sound of the beast screamed, but Jacket still didn’t look up. He pushed his thumb in again, feeling a similar pressure at the nape of his neck. With a deep exhale, Jacket held his thumb, trembling as his nail dug into the material. Maybe he was just dreaming this whole time. Maybe everything did end there… just a prolonged dream.

In these moments of acceptance and peace for Jacket, he remembered the texture of his friend’s uniform on his shoulder. He remembered the touch of his girlfriend’s hand. The feeling of a cigarette. The polaroid. The beast howled at his door, his eyes still fixated on the ball, feeling the warmth of the Miami sun on him one last time as he was overtaken by the nightmare, the string at the back of his neck pulled.

He could not remember the last time he dreamt, and in this nightmare and all dreams before, he dreamed of violence. A violence that was once again leveraged by powers above him, unfeeling, unempathetic, and self-serving.

So begins the nightmare again. Back in Hawaii. Back in Miami. Back into hell.




• All references to Hotline Miami, "Jacket", "The Animal", and usage of other such characters and names belong to Dennaton Games.• Dead by Daylight - "Hotline Miami" Chapter Chase and Menu Theme (Fan Made Chapter) was created by SavageD and used with permission. The thumbnail for the video (used in Bonus Content) features artwork from Estacadoth, also used with permission.• Image render used for "The Animal" portrait is from the Hotline Miami: Jacket Resin Figure.• Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the Hotline Miami franchise.• Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


• Original drafts of this concept, Jacket's power was more focused on being "modular" via add-ons and drastically improving the power but at the risk of cancelling out many other add-ons that would affect that part of it. This was ultimately revised for the sake of a more solid base power.• Originally "You" was never meant to be an add-on, and instead The Polaroid was going to be the "Entity gift"/iridescent add-on, but the idea of having an add-on which was a direct tie and reference to the lore and how the Entity would take control was far too tempting to try. In addition, there's a not-so-hidden 50 BLESSINGS logo in the mask's design, as well as a "sealed mouth" to show the forced silence of Jacket, removing the freedom of choice to remain silent.

First Published: August 2nd, 2023
Last Updated: June 7th, 2024




Deeper than anything, Rapture felt like it had progressed so far beyond what most mortal men could ever achieve, but was so far removed from humanity it was barely recognizable. One slip-up, and Jack was here, waiting a resurrection with Rapture's system...

But it didn't come.

He was drifting, the middle of the sea, no walls around him. Cold, unmoving water covered every surface of his body.


He tried to inhale, and it was just water, the last of air erupting out of him. It would've been an eternity, if not for the water to immediately being vomit, a mix of salt water and the little food he's had since he arrived in Rapture.

Shivering, cold, the man curled on the floor, dried leaves and dirt clinging to his sweater and face as he adjusted to the sudden change, staring up at a star-less night sky, trees of a dreadful dark color reaching up.

If Rapture was supposed to be a utopia, this might as well be hell with how far removed it was from the underwater paradise of invention and creation.

Jack wasn't far off in his assumption, as he'd soon learn.


Jack Wynand: The Blood that Breaks the Chain
Written by WheatDraws

Jack hadn’t been here for too long, just enough to get his bearings. It was… strange. It felt like he spent months if not years beneath the water, and now it was nowhere in sight. He had made actual allies, people he had seen with his own eyes without flesh stretched to cover imperfections or burns to cover the hideous personality of the Splicers.

The comfort of something more human, something more familiar, did not do away with the fear of what he had to face. This was not Rapture, and the resources were scarce. Jack found himself with a new question, a new morality and decision to make. The words of Andrew Ryan stuck in his mind, the philosophy of the rights of a man or the rights of the people stuck with him, battling him as he struggled to survive in these trials at the hands of vicious murderers.

Even while one was impaled, bleeding out upon a grotesque meat hook, he could see his escape in his grasp. He was so close to finally repairing this belching, almost sickly machine.

Jack had considered every possibility he could, it was overwhelming. The free will of a man was new to him, almost hauntingly so. So many decisions made for him he did not realize, and now he could decide even when to pace his breathing. A leash made of words, broken. A chain made of blood, shattered. He could feel the sweat on his brow drip down as time drew near.

By saving someone, just one, he would never be leaving someone behind. With his action to complete the generator, he would be able to allow not only his escape, but all others who were more cunning, perhaps even more useful. The coin however, had two sides. He could save someone and have them indebted to him, their labor sparing himself from the very sweat on his own brow. To finish the repair, he could boast his own efficiency, decisiveness and right to lead and take charge. He was his own man after all, he had the right to make those decisions, to reason them as he saw fit. He even knew that not doing anything at all could make himself more hidden, to be obscure, to prevent himself from being another middle-man to everyone else.

Jack took a deep breath, and focused himself. In his body flowed the blood of a free man, and on his wrist, the chain was broken by that free man in the form of a vein. Jack felt his confidence bolstering, his shoulders squaring.

Knowing he had that power, not a Plasmid, but to shape his own path, he made his move.


media & links


  • All references to BioShock, "The Protector", "Jack Wynand", and usage of other such characters and names belong to 2K and Irrational Games.

  • "The Protector" portrait render is an edited and modified image of the BioShock game cover art.

  • "Jack Wynand" portrait render is an edited and modified image of a Jack model port for Garry's Mod on Steam Workshop by RatedR4Ryan.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the BioShock franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • Successor was originally a perk design from a scrapped PREY (2017) chapter concept where you could copy or replicate a teammate's perk called "Neuro-Remap".

  • Jack Wynand's perks were meant to be reflective of his character journey and that freedom of choice and how something selfish / selfless can build up to being a stronger person in his own way with the "Ultimatum" perks.

Designed with a live Twitch audienceFirst Published: August 2nd, 2023
Last Updated: August 2nd, 2023




Maintenance. It was the only thing keeping Rapture from fully imploding, keeping it from succumbing to the pressures of the ocean. Were it not for maintenance, it would have been a finely crushed piece of tin and bronze.

Small punctures in the buildings and glass, multiple districts lost to flooding within mere moments.

The whirring of a drill, the sound of what was screaming masking the sound of pathetic screeches and a lifeless whimper of a Splicer, the body giving up its grip on a hold, pathetically spinning with the drill as it came to a stop, the smear of blood on the still finely polished flooring spiraling before the drill was pulled out from the ribbons that were the creature's intestines moments before.

A low sound, deep, and distant almost, like a whale in the abyss emanated from this cage of a suit. How human could something like this be, something so... truly cruel.

Human enough to recognize empathy, a desire to protect. Such as this small child, a child this creature had lost long ago, relieved to be able to have her close by, but she spoke much differently. She had not grown, but her demeanor was different.

Softly, she beckoned it into a gap in the wall that was not there, a gap that did not lead into the vast ocean, but into an abyss of blackness.

It followed, trusting her whole-heartedly, longing for the walks throughout Rapture, musing over her drawings that scrawled across the wall. A tragedy that it was not truly her, and even more a tragedy that no one with a stable conscious would witness it.

By the time it arrived, lured in by a promise that was lost to it long ago, it was enraged, bellowing out, its song of pain rippling through the vast darkness.

When The Entity needed use of it, a new door would open, the same small child leading it by the oversized finger, and vanishing into the dark, leaving nothing more than a furious protector without a child and the victims now trapped with it.

A cruel method of utilizing such a creature, but what value does cruelty have to a creature that no longer had anything to call it human? It was a tool, one the Entity gladly utilized at its discretion, beckoning it onward when it pleased with the false illusion of that little girl, reliving tragedy of loss over and over again, and unleashing that fury onto the innocent that resided within this realm.






  • All references to BioShock, "The Protector", "Jack Wynand", and usage of other such characters and names belong to 2K and Irrational Games.

  • "The Protector" portrait render is an edited and modified image of the BioShock game cover art.

  • "Jack Wynand" portrait render is an edited and modified image of a Jack model port for Garry's Mod on Steam Workshop by RatedR4Ryan.

  • Perk, power, and add-on icons as well as their descriptions, lore sections and effects were created by WheatDraws using the BioShock franchise.

  • Other image assets, such as icon backgrounds, portrait backgrounds and other such assets from Dead by Daylight belong to Behaviour Interactive.


  • This concept was drafted alongside a live Twitch audience. Thank you!

  • Successor was originally a perk design from a scrapped PREY (2017) chapter concept where you could copy or replicate a teammate's perk called "Neuro-Remap".